
#234 XDarwin intermittent crashes - (glyph)

Causes Crash
Rootless (76)

My Xdarwin application fails intermittedly; usually
when opening another application (Entourage, System
Profiler, Print Center). This is on OS X.2.2 and while
running in rootless mode. Here's the logdump.

Date/Time: 2002-12-12 13:25:32 -0600
OS Version: 10.2.2 (Build 6F21)

Command: XDarwin
PID: 20876

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x1a2484f4

Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x91eca5ac in enumerate_gx_glyph_path
#1 0x91eca450 in get_glyph_data
#2 0x91eca248 in ats_get_glyph_paths
#3 0x91ec3508 in build_glyph_entries
#4 0x91ec935c in ats_glyph_get_cached_glyphs
#5 0x91ec30e4 in ats_get_8bit_quantized_bitmaps
#6 0x91ecae5c in ats_get_glyph_bitmaps
#7 0x91f549a0 in ripc_RenderGlyph
#8 0x9371e0bc in drawGlyphs
#9 0x9370efec in CGContextShowGlyphsWithDeviceAdvances
#10 0x9371f868 in CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
#11 0x91a5ab18 in RenderCGGlyphs
#12 0x91a6d3a4 in RenderGlyphRecordArrayWithCG
#13 0x91a6d668 in ATSUDrawGlyphs(ATSGlyphVector*,
unsigned long, unsigned long, FixedPoint*, Rect*,
#14 0x91a65dc8 in TTextLineLayout::DrawText(unsigned
long, unsigned long, long, long)
#15 0x91a65b90 in ATSUDrawText
#16 0x92bb3c00 in
TATSUTextLayout::DrawToContext(CGRect const&, unsigned
char, short, short, float, CGContext*)
#17 0x92bc0b4c in
TThemeText::DrawThemeTruncatedText(float, float, CGRect
const&, unsigned long, short, short, float, short,
OpaqueGrafPtr*, unsigned char, CGContext*, CGRect*)
#18 0x92bbf720 in
DataEngine::DrawThemeTruncatedText(__CFString const*,
unsigned short, TThemeDrawState const&, CGRect const&,
short, short, float, short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, unsigned
char, CGContext*, OpaqueThemeTextCache*, CGRect*)
#19 0x92bbf420 in _DrawThemeTruncatedTextWithCache
#20 0x92bd310c in DrawTextMenuTitle(StdMBDFGlobals*,
OpaqueMenuRef*, Rect const*, __CFString const*,
unsigned long, void*)
#21 0x92bde0c4 in DrawMenuTitleProc(Rect const*,
short, unsigned char, long, void*)
#22 0x92be769c in DrawMenuTitleLoop(short, short,
GDevice**, long)
#23 0x92bc52bc in
DataEngine::DrawThemeMenuTitle(CGRect const&, CGRect
const&, unsigned short, unsigned long,
MenuTitleDrawingXUPP*, unsigned long, CGContext*)
#24 0x92c02008 in HIThemeDrawMenuTitle
#25 0x92be98b8 in DrawThemeMenuTitleWithContext
#26 0x92bdf184 in DrawCommon(StdMBDFGlobals*, Rect*,
OpaqueMenuRef*, unsigned char, void*)
#27 0x92bd8c50 in
DrawIndexedMenuTitle(StdMBDFGlobals*, int, void*,
unsigned char)
#28 0x92bd8030 in DrawBar(StdMBDFGlobals*)
#29 0x92ba6418 in StandardMBDF(short, short, long, long)
#30 0x92c575d8 in MBarDraw(unsigned char, MenuData*,
#31 0x92c0989c in DrawMenuBarWithContext(CGContext**)
#32 0x92c66c94 in DrawMenuBar
#33 0x92c1dd38 in BroadcastInternal(unsigned long, void*)
#34 0x92c5bc08 in
CFNotificationProc(__CFNotificationCenter*, void*,
__CFString const*, void const*, __CFDictionary const*)
#35 0x90168b3c in _postNotification
#36 0x90166238 in
#37 0x901737a8 in _localPortCallBack
#38 0x9015c3e4 in __CFMachPortPerform
#39 0x9015c250 in __CFRunLoopDoSource1
#40 0x90149354 in __CFRunLoopRun
#41 0x9018157c in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#42 0x92ba34cc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#43 0x92bb32f4 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#44 0x92bda280 in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#45 0x93082184 in _DPSNextEvent
#46 0x930ccf84 in -[NSApplication
#47 0x930ca500 in -[NSApplication run]
#48 0x930d2598 in NSApplicationMain
#49 0x00002f84 in DarwinHandleGUI
#50 0x00007e18 in main
#51 0x00002ba0 in _start (crt.c:267)
#52 0x00002a20 in start

Thread 1:
#0 0x90074168 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x900065b0 in mach_msg
#2 0xc00076cc in __ape_internal
#3 0xc0000dd0 in __ape_agent
#4 0x90021268 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
#0 0x90025ccc in select
#1 0x0005fe94 in WaitForSomething
#2 0x00028914 in Dispatch
#3 0x000084bc in main
#4 0x000074f0 in -[Xserver run]
#5 0x9081cd38 in forkThreadForFunction
#6 0x90021268 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
#0 0x90074168 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x900064b0 in mach_msg
#2 0x901490a8 in __CFRunLoopRun
#3 0x9018157c in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#4 0x901488f8 in CFRunLoopRun
#5 0x01a9a2d4 in thread_main
#6 0x90021268 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x91eca5ac srr1: 0x0000f030
vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x91eca570 ctr: 0x90013a40
mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x00000000 r1: 0xbfffc860 r2: 0xa0007530
r3: 0x000003e8
r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x0000007b r6: 0x00000000
r7: 0x00000000
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000
r11: 0x00000000
r12: 0x90013a40 r13: 0x0186ea70 r14: 0x032f4410
r15: 0xbfffcf10
r16: 0xbfffcf00 r17: 0xbfffcec0 r18: 0xbfffccc0
r19: 0xa1eba284
r20: 0x0000ffff r21: 0x00586f80 r22: 0x00000000
r23: 0x00000003
r24: 0x0000357b r25: 0x023484f0 r26: 0x1a2484f4
r27: 0xbf800000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x0000011e r30: 0xbfffcb10
r31: 0x91eca51c


  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2002-12-13

    Logged In: YES

    See this post in the forums for a temporary way
    to make sure you have disabled all haxies:

    Let us know if that helps!


  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2003-01-15
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2003-01-15

    Logged In: YES

    No user feedback for one month. This looks just like the backtraces we have been seeing for Silk, Fruitmenu and other haxies. Disable all haxies to fix this problem. More discussion at the URL mentioned below. Closing.


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