
A few suggestion (or bugs?) - mostly lists

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi there

    great piece of work - I was going to create something myself before finding this - but could never have come up with something as good as this - it would probably ended up with a web-based front end or something!

    A few feature requests (or they could be bugs or me not using it right!)

    -It would be really great to be able to 'group' items in a list. For example, I created a list with all James Bond films in it. I still want to see James Bond listed, but all the films grouped together with a + sign. I thought I would be able to acheive this via the add episodes route, but couldn't get it to bend that way!

    -Within the Episodes function, it would be great to be able to add a 'series' to a an entry, and then add episodes to a series - just make multiple series TV shows easier on the eye

    -Is there an easier way of mass-adding TV shows? For example, I have Friends series 1-10 in folders. Using the add episode, I manages to add all the episodes from IMDB, but they're not linked to the files - as I couldn't figure out how to get it to do that without doing it 1 by 1 (and that 200+ episodes)

    -When creating list name, being allowed to use spaces would be handy - but a minor issue - I'm used to using CamelCase or Under_scores

    -I'm not sure if I'm using it right, but I can't get the 'Filter Out Media Files In Database' option to work when adding multiple files - is this intended to prevent adding the same file twice? I just can't seem to get it to work - when I tick it, the files in the tree view still include ones I've added

    -The 'Show Unlisted' option does not appear to work correctly / as I expect it to. If I have it ticked, and I have 1 or more additonal list ticked, it works OK. But if I untick all lists, but leave 'Show Unlisted' ticked, it displays all files

    -I love the queries feature - but it would be great if you could apply the query to the active list of films - so I can get a list of the films I've not watched, and then read through and pick which one I want to watch

    Anyway, I think that's enough feedback from me - it is a great bit of kit, so thanks, and if you want any more info/details on any of the above, feel free to get in touch - biggles0072003 A.T yahoo dot co dot uk plus I'll come back here and check out any responses.



    • Bro

      Bro - 2009-05-03


      1) group items
      Thats been requested a few times before, and is something I hope can be implemented eventually.
      The biggest problem with this is how to solve this with the database.
      It might require some changes, maybe some new tables.
      Currently it's only possible to search the movies (tables), not the episodes which are stored in different tables. I haven't figured out everything here yet, and don't have a lot of spare time to work on this either ;-)

      2) add a 'series' to a an entry
      Yes, this is almost the same as 1, as it will require the same 'group function'.

      3) mass-adding TV shows
      There should be a better way to do this, I agree. Will hopefully improve the multi-add to support some kind of pre-tagging so that movie files (CD1 and CD2 etc.) can be grouped and handled together as one movie, and episodes be tagged as a series.

      4) Spaces in list names
      This is simply to avoid spaces in column names. (Each list is a database column). Can easily be solved programmatically by escaping the spaces or quoting the name, but spaces really "shouldn't be used".

      5) Filter Out Media Files In Database
      Umm...this is completely broken it seems.
      What should happen is that duplicates are marked with a different colour, and they shouldn't be added to the "Media files" list. I'll check it out as soon as I can.

      6) Show Unlisted doesn't work.
      You're correct indeed. This is the main reason version 2.8.0 isn't mentioned on the home page.
      I've fixed this, but haven't released a new version yet.

      The queries are simply text files containing the hard coded queries, so applying them to the current list only will not work.
      The queries function is very old, from when the main search was severely limited.
      With the current latest version you can search for anything you want from the main search filter, by using the search option in the toolbar or/and the advanced search using aliases.
      If you just want the movies you haven't watched, you can easily chose this in the search options.
      More info on the advanced search here:

      Thank you very much for the feedback!
      It's helping a lot more than you'd think ;-)

      Feel free to comment and provide suggestions.


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      thanks for responding to my feedback!

      i've just downloaded 2.8.1 - and the filtering existing movies bit works a dream now - muchas gracias!

      Showing just unlisted items now works perfect now too!

      Just a thought on the searching multiple tables issue you mentioned re 1)

      I'm by no means an expert when it comes to databases or queries, but do have some experience - but mostly just with access etc, so may not be relevent to all etc.
      but... for the searching, rather than referring the search to a specific table, could you refer it to a nested query which itself combines the records of all the relevent tables into a temp table?

      like I say, could be talking complete nonsense, but I'm sure I did something similar a while back



      • Bro

        Bro - 2009-05-16


        Combining the search should work I presume, but the episodes are linked to a movie entry with an id, so they would have to be separated somehow to know which are episodes and which are movies.
        Doing two searches, one for each table, would be the easiest.

        Working on a function to find duplicate entries right now. Expect to have it included in v2.8.2.



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