
#192 More problems with tv_grab_fi.

tv_grab_fi (5)

Is it just me or does anybody else have the problem with the latest cvs tv_grab_fi, that it has all programs in UTC-time, because there is no TZ correction as in the stable version of tv_grab_fi. The listings are now 2h wrong in mythtv (0.23).

Had to dig up old tv_grab_dvb to get working listings at least for a week.


  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2010-12-08

    Please update to the latest version 1.62 from CVS. Version 1.61 was only correct for systems running in the Europe/Helsinki time zone. Version 1.62 now hard-codes the script time zone to Europe/Helsinki (see comments & test program in the comments inside the script).

  • Karl Dietz

    Karl Dietz - 2010-12-09

    Please verify the setting "XMLTV timezone" in MythTV, if it's "None" (means ignore time offset and handle as if it was local time) you should try "Auto" (obey whatever the grabber returns)

  • Karl Dietz

    Karl Dietz - 2010-12-09
    • labels: 724077 --> tv_grab_fi
  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2010-12-09

    Ahh, must have that setting correct in my MythTV setup then (maybe it is the default?).

    @reporter: tv_grab_fi has been changed. It does no longer generate "(local) HH:MM:SS +0200" but (UTC) HH:MM:SS +0000" in the generated XML output, so you are not allowed to ignore the time zone!

  • Karl Dietz

    Karl Dietz - 2010-12-09

    The MythTV default is still "none" (ignore time offset) and must be changed to "auto" for _fi to work now!
    (this should change sometime, see the proposal on the mythtv-devel list )

    @Stefan: if it's easy it might be best to stay with local time +time offset for now, if it's hard we should tell the users that this upgrade needs reconfiguration + mythtv settings changed

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Version 1.63 should hit the CVS soon.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-10

    Thank you for your effort, but I still get it wrong. It probably is because I feed the resulting xml file directly to myhtfilldatabase through crontab. I would prefer to still do it, so is there a hack to be made to get this work?

    If I compare the starting time from tv_grab_sv_sv:

    <programme start="20101210203000 +0200" stop="20101210205500 +0200" channel="">
    <title lang="sv">Tv-nyheter och v�der</title>
    <desc lang="sv">Text-TV 335.</desc>

    To the starting time by tv_grab_fi

    <programme start="20101210183000 +0000" stop="20101210185500 +0000" channel="">
    <title lang="fi">Tv-uutiset ja sää</title>
    <desc lang="fi">Teksti-TV 335.</desc>

    tv_grab_fi_sv works correctly for me but tv_grab_fi (1.62) not.

    This probably is not a bug, I just use it wrongly, but I would be happy for any solution. Even an extra option to rv_grab_fi (or mythfilldatabase?) to change the timezone when feeding it to mythtv, would be ok. tv_grab_dvb has this option, which I use.

  • Karl Dietz

    Karl Dietz - 2010-12-10

    Notice that the two times actually speficy both the same time.
    start="20101210203000 +0200" (_fi_sv, 20:30 in UTC+2)
    start="20101210183000 +0000" (_fi, 18:30 in UTC+0)

    Does your setting in mythtv-setup read "auto", "none" or some specific offset?
    (it sounds like it is none/DEFAULT which will NOT WORK at the moment. Setting the time offset to "auto" should automagically make it work)

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2010-12-10

    @reporter: Stop mythbackend, start mythtv-setup, go to page 1 "General". At the bottom you'll find the setting how to handle time zone offset for xmltv grabber. It should be "Auto" (this is for MythTV 0.24). After changing the setting, exit and start mythbackend again. Then do a full run of mythfilldatabase to re-create the programs with the correct time zone.

    Both 1.62 (generates UTC) and (the upcoming) 1.63 (generates Europe/Helsinki) work OK, when the setting is "Auto". If the setting is "None" then of course only version 1.63 will work OK.

  • Ville Ahonen

    Ville Ahonen - 2010-12-11

    1.63 fix now committed, thanks Stefan!

  • Ville Ahonen

    Ville Ahonen - 2010-12-11
    • status: open --> closed

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