
#363 _na_dtv: possible memory leak with prebuilt exe for windows


Running XMLTV Manually
"C:\Users\one\freeguide\xmltv/xmltv.exe" tv_grab_na_dtv --config-file
"C:\Users\one\freeguide\xmltv-configs\na_dtv.conf" > tv.xmltv

Timezone is -0700
Getting IDs for day 0 ............
Getting IDs for day 1 ............
Getting IDs for day 2 ............
Getting IDs for day 3 ............
Getting IDs for day 4 ............
Getting one more ...
Started 8 processes to fetch and parse 2104 web pages.

[Window Title]
EXE bundle of XMLTV tools to manage TV Listings
[Main Instruction]
EXE bundle of XMLTV tools to manage TV Listings has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close
the program and notify you if a solution is available.
[Close program]
reply to:


  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2009-02-18

    I don't have windows 7 to test xmltv.exe. Assigning to sunsetsystems in case this is a tv_grab_na_dtv issue.

  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2009-02-18
    • labels: 543513 --> tv_grab_na_dtv
    • assigned_to: rmeden --> sunsetsystems
  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2009-02-18

    I don't have Windows 7 either. In fact I use Linux almost exclusively and am not equipped for debugging under any flavor of Windows. Some sort of error message with actual information in it would be nice.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am facing the same issue with Win XP SP 2

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Running command: "C:\Users\sraghura\.freeguide\xmltv/xmltv.exe" tv_grab_na_dtv --config-file "C:\Users\sraghura\.freeguide\xmltv-configs\na_dtv.conf"
    Timezone is -0500
    Getting IDs for day 0 ............
    Getting IDs for day 1 ............
    Getting IDs for day 2 ............
    Getting IDs for day 3 ............
    Getting IDs for day 4 ............
    Getting one more ...
    Started 8 processes to fetch and parse 2491 web pages.
    Error executing grabber: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
    Result code = -1,073,741,819

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2009-08-04

    My comment dated 2009-02-18 still applies. It's not going to get fixed like this. Is it working for *anyone* under Windows?

  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2009-08-04

    I just tried it on my XP box. XMLTV.EXE failed after growing to 499MB. Native Perl did work, but also ate up a lot of memory. (there is no error, the process basically core dumps)

    I suspect the grabber is using too much memory and the EXE wrapper is taking it over the edge.

    For now, I suggest you try native perl. I don't think tv_grab_na_dtv has bad dependencies If the user isn't a programmer and isn't up to using native Perl, maybe someone can post some instructions for them to follow.

    sunsetsystems may wan to look for a memory leak and a command line option to control the number of threads. (the output messages implies some multi-threaded code). Windows handles threads much differently than Unix/Linux and that may be causing a problem.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I posted the comment about the error on Win Xp SP 2
    Robert what do you mean by 'try native perl' ? execute under perl in windows? I am going to try this version in ubuntu and hopefully it works


  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2009-08-05

    Yes, when I mean "native PERL" I mean install PERL, make and the needed modules on windows instead of using XMLTV.EXE.

    XMLTV.EXE works surprisingly well, but it it is a bit of a hack.


  • Karl Dietz

    Karl Dietz - 2010-10-25
    • summary: Error running under Window 7 beta build 7000 --> _na_dtv: possible memory leak with prebuilt exe for windows
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-06-15
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> 0.5.66
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-06-15

    Fixed in revision 1.21 (XMLTV 0.5.66)

    1) Removed WWW::Mechanize (which is known to be a memory hog)

    2) Added option for number of child processes to run. Forking is poorly supported in Windows Perl and prone to crashing. Therefore the number of processes now defaults to 1 (i.e. no forking). If you want more processes then use the "--processes N" command-line argument. (But this is not recommended for Windows) This is not ideal and means extended run times on Windows but at least the grabber is now usable.

    Tested and working on Windows XP SP3 (using the alpha exe from in advance of 0.5.66 being released).


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