
Where to get list of error values

  • Edwin Collins

    Edwin Collins - 2015-09-22


    Looking to see if there is a list of return errorlevel codes. Got back a errorlevel of 4.

    Having intermitten issues just redirecting the xml.exe -el -v output to a file. I am seeing where it only pipes the first line of the xml file.

    If I run it interactiviely it always works.



  • Noam Postavsky

    Noam Postavsky - 2015-09-25

    There's a list in xmlstar.h, 4 is EXIT_LIB_ERROR, hard to say what the problem is from that. You'll probably need to do some debugging.

  • Edwin Collins

    Edwin Collins - 2015-10-14

    Hello Noam,

    Thank you for the reply. I did get the output of the error I am getting. Error 4 is the error and the line below is the error. The batch script this is part of runs from Windows task scheduler. And this does not happen every time. It only does it intermittently. I am running on Windows sever 2012 R2.

    file:///D:/PROD/VendorTransmissions/TriState/Logs/TriState_Transmissiontrans.xml:3.1: Extra content at the end of the document

    I am reading in the xml file and piping it out to a text file. This is working 99.9% of the time.
    The command call is:

    xml.exe el -v D:/PROD/VendorTransmissions/TriState/Logs/TriState_Transmissiontrans.xml > D:/PROD/VendorTransmissions/TriState/Logs/TriState_Transmissiontransxml.txt 2>> %LogFile%

    I can take this same command and successfully run it from a cmd window interactively on the same xml file and it will work.

    I replaced the user name and site name with asterisks.

    xml file is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <session xmlns="" name="****************@sftp.********.com" start="2015-10-14T09:30:04.338Z">
        <filename value="D:\PROD\VendorTransmissions\TriState\outgoing\021305942_Y_20151014_HilliardLyons.pgp" />
        <destination value="/021305942_Y_20151014_HilliardLyons.pgp" />
        <result success="true" />

    The output when it fails just give me the first line.

    session[@xmlns='' and @name='****************@sftp.********.com' and @start='2015-10-14T09:30:04.338Z']`

    When it is sucessful this is the output.

    session[@xmlns='' and @name='' and @start='2015-10-14T09:30:04.338Z']

    Any thought or ideas why this happens would be great.


    Edwin Collins


    Last edit: Noam Postavsky 2015-10-15
  • Noam Postavsky

    Noam Postavsky - 2015-10-15

    Are you using the latest version? I seem to recall there was a memory corruption bug in val a few versions back. Of course, there might be a bug in the current version too, but with such intermittent occurrence it would be very tricky to find.

    The other possibility is a bug in the program that generates your xml file, perhaps putting a stray / which closes the session tag early.

    • Edwin Collins

      Edwin Collins - 2015-10-21

      Here is the version I am using. Think it is the current one.
      xml --version
      compiled against libxml2 2.9.1, linked with 20901
      compiled against libxslt 1.1.28, linked with 10128

      WinSCP is the program that creates the xml file. You are correct as it is so intermittent it is had to track.



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