
XMLbrain / News: Recent posts

xtm webfrontend & contentManagement

good news, in a few days there will be the first real application for XMLbrain, a XTM Webfronted (browse&edit) and a XTM Content Management System.
Now you can easily create a webpage with your XTM..............

just some days ahead

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-10-09

!!!First Real Version 0.5

First real Version thats works out of the BOX
just with Tomcat and Xindice give it a try,
or try the XMLbrain Testwebserver

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-01-21

XMLbrain testServer online

Try and copy those examples in the textarea....... there u can also read my Diary through XML/XSLT Transformation, which is all performed on a XML DB

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-01-18

New Release 0.49 with WAR for Tomcat

XMLbrain can now be used in a Servlet Container. For example Tomcat.
Just use the simple "ant install" and ant will install XMLbrain in ur Tomcat.
Documentation will come on v0.5

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-01-18

New CVS Version 0.20 checked in

In this new CVS Version, i now use a Servlet.
XMLbrain can now be connected through http post.
*Validation is working fine
* new Exceptionhandling

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-01-16

New Year will bring a lot

Welcome in 2003..... I have big plans for XMLbrain in this year, so stay tuned......
I updated the CVS Version.
But in the next week there will be a real good new Version, that u can Test over the internet from ur browser.
Also as special gimmick i'm reactivating my onlineDiary, for use with XMLbrain...... so take a look inside my XMLbrain and my Life *again* ;)

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2003-01-11

Version 0.11 with Validation

11.12.2002 V011 Added Validation extension

I added an extension for Validating XML against
DTD or XSD. I use the MSV Verifier from Sun.
try <VALIDATE @collection @schema>

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-12-11

New Prototyp @ Monday

The Last 2 days i was working hard on a new Prototype. Its the next step in my rapid prototyping time right now.
I developed it in combination with the first XMLbrain application.....................cya

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-12-05

v0.05 with new Package structure

29.11.2002 V005 Code reorganisated

I now use the Package org.xmlbrain as main package
org.xmlbrain.core has the core
org.xmlbrain.core.extension has the Xtenderthings
org.xmlbrain.core.test has the coreTest

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-29

Need XTM power?

i'm just thinking about using a TopicMap for driving my FlowControler..... i think of something like a path in the Topic Map graph is the program.
In my example it will say which templates to use

any ideas?

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-28

v0.04 Released

28.11.2002 V004 Just a bit nicer Code

like 003 but now output is better and inner
structures of Thought is enhanced.

Now the Flowcontroler stops the flow when nothing
has changed in the DOM in the Thought

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-28

v0.03 (Hello World) Released

the first really working Version, it transforms via xslt and extends vie my Xtender look at core Test

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-22

v0.02 Released

Now there is a good start to learn what will XMLbrain be........mostly docs

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-15

Design version 0.02

Im on the way, created a lot of Interfaces and structures to keep XMLbrain very open.....
Flow Control is now applied on all implementing FlowInterface classes........ Xtension System is very flexible with extensionInterface
................Thought is now based on dom4j

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-14

first Design version

It consists of compilable core Code, some Together UML Diagramms, and a Powerpoint Presentation

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2002-11-14