
proxy configuration for windows would be nice

  • Olaf Föllinger

    Olaf Föllinger - 2008-11-24


    today I've tested the editor and it worked well. I like it. When I tried to validate a xml document with an internet based dtd it didn't work because our company uses a proxy to access the internet.

    I wish there would be an option to configure the proxy settings (url, port, maybe username and passwort). Using Windows it might help to use the internet settings of the internet explorer.

    Regards Olaf

    • gnschmidt

      gnschmidt - 2008-12-09

      Thanks Olaf, that sounds like an excellent addition.

      What baffles me is that I don't have this problem at work and my company uses a proxy too :-|


    • Olaf Föllinger

      Olaf Föllinger - 2008-12-09

      Nice to read, thanks. About your company proxy: Maybe it's a transparent proxy which works on port 80 automagically or other port are not blocked.

      Waiting for a new feature ;-).

      Regards Olaf

  • gles

    gles - 2009-12-01


    I'm experiencing the same problem as Olaf had.
    XML Copy Editor is an interesting tool but somehow useless without any proxy settings.

    Best regards,


    in Firefox for example is useless.

  • gles

    gles - 2009-12-01


    I'm experiencing the same problem as Olaf had.
    XML Copy Editor is an interesting tool but somehow useless without any proxy settings.
    It would be interesting to have a configuration option like in Firefox for example.

    Best regards,


  • Aditya

    Aditya - 2010-08-26

    I seconding or maybe sixth-ing that too. Can't use internet based schema validation as I need to go via my institute's proxy.

  • Radhika Pothukuchi

    I started using xml copy editor and stuck with schema validation. Is this issue resolved, if so is it included in the latest version?



    Last edit: Radhika Pothukuchi 2013-06-14

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