
system error after opening excel

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Daniel,

    I am very excited about the add-in you created and I would like to use it but I have experienced a problem. Installing your toolbox 2.14 works out fine but when I start excel after installing the toolbox I get three times this system error:

    "system error &H8004005 (-2147467259) unspecified error"

    after that I get prompted with the message: "out of memory" and the excel debugger starts. When I close the debugger I am not able to use your toolbox, when I try to I get the same system error again. I also get prompted that macros might not be available for this function or my macros are disabled. I also checked, and macros are enabled.

    Hope you can help me as I am eager to use your toolbox. I am a life sciences researcher myself.

    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, Erik

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ok I already found a remark in the open discussion forum that I should download 2.13 version but where can I find that one?



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      found the 2.13 version and got the same problems. Same system error, debugger opens and "out of memory" message.



    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-04-10

      Hi Erik,

      that's strange. Admittedly the Toolbox is not 100% bug free, but I have never experienced that problem before, even though I use it on many different computers in our lab.

      Could you perhaps let me know what operating system and what version of Excel you are using?



    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-04-10

      One other thing to do: When the debugger opens, can you make a screenshot of the debugger and send it to me? If you don't know how to make screenshots, press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard, and then use the Paste command from the Edit menu in your e-mail program. Or open a new Word file, paste the screenshot in there, and send me the Word document.

      Send it to dkraus at bidmc/harvard/edu (replace slashes with dots of course).



    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-04-13

      Hi Erik,

      thanks for the e-mail with the screenshot. I reply in the forum so that other people can read along, in case they have the same problem.

      In your case the addin fails to start, the error occurs before the first line of code is ever executed. Honestly, I do not have a clue why this is the case. You are using the Toolbox version for Excel 2007 on Windows XP, which is the same configuration that I have.

      One thing that comes to my mind is possible interference with an anti-virus program. What are you using? The Toolbox works very well with Kaspersky Internet Security 8 (on my own machine), with McAfee corporate anti-virus (in our lab), and with Sophos Anti-Virus (on a colleague's machine).

      Also, if you want to give it a try, you can do the following: Start Excel with the addin installed. When the error occurs, go to the debugger window. In the "Run" menu, click on "Reset". Then,  in the "Debug" menu, click on the first item, "Compile DanielsXLToolbox". Finally, in the "File" menu, click on "Save Daniels XL Toolbox.xlam". Exit Excel and restart it.

      Hope that helps!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Daniel,

      thanks for your effort but unfortunately your toolbox still doesn't work. I tried the "reset" and  "debug" thing but when compiling the file I get the same error messages again.
      I uninstalled my AVG-virusscan but that made no difference. So if you have any other possible solution please let me know :) but again I kindly thank you for your effort.

      regards, Erik