
Extensible Java MUD / News: Recent posts

Refactoring Completed

After several weeks of um-ing and ah-ing I have moved classes around into new packages, hopefully making the XJMud package structure make more sense.

I have also re-written all of the configuration files to use the new Preferences framework rather than the old Hashtable hacked files. The new preferences files should make creating heirarchical properties much easier to load, save and process.

Sorry for the delay, any problems please, fire me an email, or write to the forums.... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-09-27

GUI based OLC Preview Released

A new package called XJMud-OLC has been added to the files section, providing the first look at the XJMud GUI based OLC (that uses the XJMud-Remote package).

The GUI is very dynamic, and very very alpha. It currently only supports the adding/removing of objects, the creating of exits, and the manipulation of all Describable types.

The release, although very primitive is enough to get basic region building out there so people can start work on building their games.... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-08-22

Core / Remote Update

The core and remote packages have been updated to include missing API functions, and to remove some more bugs from the core.

The remote package now includes the concept of a security manager that works on a per-method basis. Every method that can be called remotely makes a call to RemoteSecurityManager.accept(), and if the remote access is forbidden, a remote exception is thrown.

All remote access is now made through a Login module (the only object placed into the RMIRegistry), and all remote instances are on a per "remote user" basis. If the keepAlive function is not called every two minutes, the remote objects are unbound, and destroyed.... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-08-22

_Major_ Bug Fixes in latest update.

I have found a large amount of show-stopper bugs in the core and remote API's, and have released file updates for the API's, both labeled 0.2-pre. These a pre-releases of changes for the 0.2 update to the XJMud architecture.

These bug fixes are quite important, they impact on the dynamic saving of all data-model elements, fix some huge Null Pointer Exceptions in the remote interfaces, and most importantly prevent the object duplication problem in all of the Remote Registries.... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-08-16

RMI Access Update

I've added a few new listeners to the remote interfaces to the XJMud core hopefully making it much easier to implement remote clients for the core.

I'm going to start work on the OLC gui hopefully this weekend. Then I will start looking into being able to connect two XJMud servers together using the remote interfaces. I believe this will make a good system in which two servers can be used to load-balance, or just create an awesome roleplay environment.... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-08-13

Remote Access added.

The first release of the RMI - XJMUD API has been released as a seperate package.

The RMI is enabled as a plugin to the core, as some users may not want RMI access to their servers.

Work is starting rolling with an OLC gui that uses the RMI interfaces to the core.

To use the RMI make sure you have the rmiregistry running, and the java.rmi.server.codebase command-line argument is specified pointing to the location of the RMI generated class files. ... read more

Posted by Aidos 2004-08-08

Core Update

Some minor bugs have been removed from the core packages, aswell as the inclusion of the new preferences system. For the moment, the preferences are not used for loading the system configuration from, the old properties files are still in use.

Download the to get the new release!



Posted by Aidos 2004-08-08


I have commited the current XJMud source code into CVS. I will eventually get around to putting a ZIP file on the files page for the current build (well my current build anyway).

Hopefully ceyand can soon get around to putting the documentation into the doc manager.

Have fun with the initial-build. Any comments/questions/abuse please post to the forum, and we'll do our best to respond!

Posted by Aidos 2004-07-09