
XHTMLTranscoder - PHP version / News: Recent posts

XHTMLTranscoder 1.0.000 quick start

A quick start guide were added to this project homepage.

Posted by Nicola Asuni 2005-04-16

XHTMLTranscoder (for PHP) released!

XHTMLTranscoder is an open-source PHP 5 class that quickly converts broken HTML code to well-formed XHTML.
XHTMLTranscoder is a fast transcoder useful to convert HTML code in real-time.
This class do not check headers, it checks only the general rules for tags, attributes and nesting:
tags (elements) names in lowercase
attributes names in lowercase
elements nesting
elements termination
unquoted attributes
unminimized attributes
unterminated empty tags
preserve other languages elements (php, asp, jsp, ...)
The HTML documents transcoded using the XHTMLTranscoder class are generally recognized as valid XHTML document by the W3C Markup Validation Service.

Posted by Nicola Asuni 2005-03-21