
Type 1 Analysis Velocity Error

  • M Patterson

    M Patterson - 2012-05-10

    When viewing results from a type 1 (constant speed) plane analysis, the
    velocity that appears in the "Polar Properties" and "Operating Point
    Properties" output windows does not match the velocity at which the analysis
    was conducted. The velocity is displayed correct in the bottom right corner,
    but not in these output windows. Does that mean the analysis was not conducted
    correctly or just that these windows show improper outputs?
    (These 2 windows incorrectly show 92.601 ft/sec when the run was conducted at
    303.8 ft/sec)

    Also when exporting the current operating point data, the resulting text file
    labels "VInf" as "QInf".

    (I'm running version 6.06 on a Windows 7 PC)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-11

    It's a problem in the properties windows. The velocity is displayed in m/s and
    not in ft/s as it should be.
    The analysis has been run at 303.8ft/s.
    I'll correct this in v6.07


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