
#129 \scriptstyle\left(\right) produces wrong output with libertinus


Consider the following code:

\(\scriptstyle \left(\right)\)

The output, compiled with xelatex, are two crossed boxes.
two crossed boxes
They should be really parentheses.
The same bug occurs with \mleft, \mright from the package mleftright instead of \left and \right.
No bug occurs with lualatex. No bug occurs when other fonts are used, e.g. TeX Gyre Pagella.
Any chance for a bugfix?
The maintainer of libertinus redirects says it's probably a bug in xetex:


  • Jonathan Kew

    Jonathan Kew - 2016-09-23

    I think it's likely this will be fixed by 4d9ba8ff700093e247675fafba1a24f53ec1686e, recently pushed to the master branch. Please test.

  • Khaled Hosny

    Khaled Hosny - 2016-10-07

    Seems to be fixed.

  • Leon Meier

    Leon Meier - 2016-11-01

    Still not fixed in today texlive 2016; not sure why. The used versions are:

    $ xelatex --version
    XeTeX 3.14159265-2.6-0.99996 (TeX Live 2016)
    $ tlmgr info xetex | egrep "2015|2016"
    cat-date: 2015-08-03 05:43:12 +0200


    Last edit: Leon Meier 2016-11-01
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-01

    Because TeX Live hasn't shipped updated binaries (and probably won't until the TL'17 release, I guess; unlike macro packages, etc., the binaries aren't usually updated during the life of the release).

    If you want the fix sooner, you can build and install your own updated binary.

  • Leon Meier

    Leon Meier - 2016-11-01

    Thanks for the fast reply. That's somewhat unfortunate: as of this very moment, I'm having a hard time will all kinds of updates and will probably distance from yet another self-made update unless in exorbitant need. Is there any way I could politely ask that the TL team to update the xelatex binary?

  • Jonathan Kew

    Jonathan Kew - 2016-11-01

    That would be a question for the texlive list, I think. (I don't know how feasible it is, though.)


    Last edit: Jonathan Kew 2016-11-01
  • Leon Meier

    Leon Meier - 2016-11-01

    Thank you!

  • Just A. Man

    Just A. Man - 2023-03-15

    As of today, the font file has been renamed, and the code should read

    \(\scriptstyle \left(\right)\)

    Running xelatex on it does produce () now. The bug report can be closed.



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