
XeonOS / News: Recent posts

Mirrors progress

After some time without doing any XeonOS development (computer problems, time pressures), I have finally finished adding fonr support to Mirrors!
Writing text to a surface is now as easy as:
int font=getfont(s,"FreeSans",FONT_BOLD);
int fontsurface=text(s,"Hello world!",24,COL_BLACK,COL_TRANS,STYLE_BLEND);

Posted by Stuart Brockman 2006-05-01

Development Progress

Ok, here is an update on development progress:
Mirrors is the current development focus. Mirrors will be XeonOS's windowing system and is being designed as a complete replacement for X11.
Not much has changed visually since the upload of the screenshot, but behind the scenes font support is well on the way to being a reality and the beginnings of support for server-side stored procedures is being added.
The idea of these stored procedures is that many events can be handled within the display server, without the need to comminicate with the host application. There will also be provision for named public procedures.

Posted by Stuart Brockman 2006-02-18

New website

Following the recent refocus of the project, the website is in the process of being overhauled. Content will continue to be added over the next few days/weeks.

Posted by Stuart Brockman 2006-01-09