
Xebece / News: Recent posts

Xebece 1.0.3 released

I finally did a new minor release. This features a new german documentation for Xebece written by Simon Schwarz and a documentation update in the english manual written by Dag Rune Sneeggen. Also included are some smaller bugfixes and (for the first time) the complete sourcecode for the program. Since the improvements go into the development branch (the upcoming 1.1 or 2.0), there are no new features in the program itself.

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-10-24

Still alive!

After some time of inactivity I finally find some time to resume the development of Xebece. Simon Schwarz has entered some fine ideas into the Wiki, some of which will be implemented in the next release. Simon has also contributed a good german manual. Thanks Simon.

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-09-11

Xebece 1.0.2 released

This is the promised bugfix release. The fonts and fontsize menus have been fixed. The PNG export is no longer broken. The beginning of a manual has been added. The edit menu now aligns with the node context menu which is especially handy for MacOS users who have only 1-button mice.

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-21

Progress report

I have started some fine improvements for the upcoming 2.0 release:

1. I started to rewrite the GUI using the SWT library instead of Swing. This will improve the appearance, responsivness and OS integration greatly. As a bonus this will allow Xebece to be run with free Java runtimes and not depend on Sun's proprietary implementation.

2. As a sideeffect of 1 I have started to rewrite the layout engine (which was Prefuse until now) -- also for SWT. Again, this will improve performance and responsivness.... read more

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-20

Xebece 1.0.1 released

Xebece 1.0.1 has been released today. This is primarily a bugfix release. Besides some minor bugs this release fixes the move/drag functionality, which was much too fast in 1.0.0. In addition to that this release has improved examples that better show the capabilities of Xebece, have a look in doc/examples.

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-12

Xebece development, website update

Today the Xebece website has been improved once more. Now we have a Wiki section where everybody who's interested may submit content. This is especially useful for submitting screenshots and example template files. So if you have put together a nice presentation and want to share it with others, please upload it to the Wiki.

The other big step today was the import of the development branch of Xebece (the upcoming 2.0 release) into the CVS repository. This already includes a whole stack of exciting new features, including:... read more

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-08

New Xebece website

The Xebece website went online today, replacing the provisorial page. It provides a newsfeed, screenshots, a demo applet, a download area, and more. Enjoy!

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-04

Windows installer for Xebece 1.0 available

For all Windows users out there I now provide a Windows installer package. This has the following advantages over the plain ZIP package:

- The installation process is automated
- Java runtime environment is detected at runtime
- Filetype .cal is associated with Xebece, click on a file opens Xebece with that file

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-04

First public release of Xebece

Xebece 1.0 has been released. Xebece is the open-sourced codebase of the program formerly known as Ontographics.

Application Fields of Xebece

* Presentations
* Courses and Training
* Document Management
* Mind Mapping and Brainstorming
* Knowledge Management

Features of Xebece

* Organize huge amounts of concepts in a tree-like structure
* Indicate thematic relations by links or by colors
* Navigate this structure via mouse or via cursor
* Dynamic presentation
* Link a presentation slide to each node
* Attach documents (e.g., MS Office documents, images) to nodes and open them with a click

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-01