
Xebece development, website update

Today the Xebece website has been improved once more. Now we have a Wiki section where everybody who's interested may submit content. This is especially useful for submitting screenshots and example template files. So if you have put together a nice presentation and want to share it with others, please upload it to the Wiki.

The other big step today was the import of the development branch of Xebece (the upcoming 2.0 release) into the CVS repository. This already includes a whole stack of exciting new features, including:

* real Graph support with force-directed layout
*'drawing pin' functionality
* node folding and unfolding
* XML import

This is not realease-ready yet, but the most adventurous users can download the latest CVS snapshot over the project page and try it out. Bug reports and general feedback are as always very welcome!

Posted by Roman Kennke 2005-03-08

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