
#50 show filename of EPS files on mouse-over


Submitted by Zhang Linbo:

it would nice if the filename was displayed in the
status line when the mouse is over a figure, just like
with hyperlinks.

Problem: Possible confusion with link target. Maybe
make the magnifier not pop up over images (since it
doesn't magnify them anyway), but show the filename in
the statusline in this case. This would mean that
clicking on an image to show the file name.

Problem: Intersection with non-rectangular bounding
boxes. Look into using XPointInRegion() for easy
computation. Otherwise, may need to decompound polygons
into rectangles (yuck).


  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2004-04-14
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Matthias Habl

    Matthias Habl - 2006-08-01

    Logged In: YES

    This would be a great feature indeed! Up to now, it is
    rather cumbersome to find out the location of EPS figures,
    especially those inside a floating environment.

    Instead of showing / In addition to show the path of the EPS
    file in the status line, the path could also be copied to
    the clipboard of the window system when a certain key is hit
    while the mouse point resides within an EPS figure. The
    advantage is that the path could be used immediately for
    example in the dired mode of Emacs instead of retyping it.
    The latter is quite tricky as the path disappears from the
    status line when some tries to retype it in a shell window etc.

  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2006-08-01

    Logged In: YES

    FWIW, have you tried source specials? They should work OK
    with floating objects. (See for details).


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