
Note: this is a user-contributed document. While this howto contains some very useful information, it is not necessarily updated for new versions of xCAT and therefore may be inaccurate in some cases. Use it with this in mind. We welcome corrections and contributions - see Editing xCAT Documentation. And see the [XCAT_Documentation] page for documentation that is tested and updated with each xCAT release (to the best of our ability).

For additional IB information, see also [Managing_the_Infiniband_Network].

Add IB to a stateless node

Typically we use the OFED stack. You can also try the default drivers that come with the operating system. We downloaded the distribution and extracted into /install/src/ofed1.4.

Don't forget to copy the .mlnx or .<something> configuration file into that directory too.

Then we just install the OFED package in the distro:

yum --installroot=$IMGROOT -y install bind-utils rpm tcl tk glibc-devel.i386 pciutils expat
mount -o bind /proc $IMGROOT/proc
mount -o bind /sys $IMGROOT/sys
mount -o bind $IBROOT $IMGROOT/mnt
chroot $IMGROOT /mnt/mlnxofedinstall --basic --without-ib-bonding
umount $IMGROOT/mnt
umount $IMGROOT/sys
umount $IMGROOT/proc

Then you need to make a script that will bring up the IB interface. You can add something to rc.local to do that:

vim $IMGROOT/etc/rc.local

        ip_ib=`host $HOSTNAME-ib | awk '{ print $4 }'`
        ifconfig ib0 $ip_ib netmask

Pack your image and off you go!


Wiki: HowTos
Wiki: Managing_the_Infiniband_Network