
Live TV.

  • Wob

    Wob - 2005-10-03

    Hiya gimblefoot,
         I know you are a busy man but is there any chance of having Frooby's Live TV modifications added to the CVS?  There was a request for it in Feature Requests.  It really does add to the look and feel of live TV with the script.


    • frooby

      frooby - 2005-10-18

      Gimblefoot has made me a developer so am trying to find time to add it to CVS. Am currently in the process of moving house so once I am settled will start adding it. Sorry it's taking so long but I really don't have any time at the moment...

    • Wob

      Wob - 2005-12-10

      Hey Frooby,
           Don't want to hassle, but any update on how this is going?


    • frooby

      frooby - 2005-12-17

      I have been way to busy with work and home to even look at any of it, so as of yet I havn't put anything into the cvs. Hopfully around christmas work will be quiet, and family occupied so I might have some time to add some stuff.  Maybe easier just to get gimblefoot to add another branch I can dump all the stuff I have done to, then buyer beware!


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