Alright, this is gonna be a little tough, I've read the other helps and it's all pretty confusing,.. But im gonna try this..

First of all, I have a router hub, which is connected to a router, so I have an i.p for my internet, and one for my xbox connected fine.. I downloaded an ftp serve connecter thing. I got my connection to my xbox working fine.. But everytime i would send files it would kinda of screw up.. sometimes work full, sometimes go 40-50% and crash, shut off my internet completly and crash my comp.. and i'm sometimes getting errors with CONFLICT OF I.P ADRESS or something..

I downloaded XBGM because it seemed like alot easier FTP client, ment for xbox's and connecting alot easier. Mine didnt connect at all, so I took out the router connection and plugged my xbox directly into my computer..

Since i did that, it got rid of the i.p on my xbox, and in my internet connections there wasnt anymore connection at all.

Im just wondering how i can connect my xbox to my computer, with no need of internet connection, i'd rather have my xbox offline but be able to transfer files and stuff.. I was at a friends and saw his, he could go directly into his xbox from my computer, it acted just like another drive. and he could access his files by XBGM also..

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also I read that help for the other one and the debug thing, but didn't quite get that so I dont think I can help there..
