
#66 unmap in CommitEdit and CancelEdit

Bugs (67)

XbaeMatrixCommitEdit() and XbaeMatrixCancelEdit()
ignore unmap = True. Used to work fine in 4.7.


  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, it also worked a couple of days ago: #1121687.

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-02-17

    Logged In: YES

    > Actually, it also worked a couple of days ago: #1121687.

    example/cancel that was submitted with the fix for that
    bug still works here. Do you have a specific scenario
    under which it fails for you (I can actually imagine plenty.
    The whole traversal buisness still needs more work,
    maybe a whole new widget to decouple CellClip
    translation from textChild translations).

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-02-17

    Logged In: YES

    > Actually, it also worked a couple of days ago: #1121687.

    example/cancel that was submitted with the fix for that
    bug still works here. Do you have a specific scenario
    under which it fails for you (I can actually imagine plenty.
    The whole traversal buisness still needs more work,
    maybe a whole new widget to decouple CellClip
    translation from textChild translations).

  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    > example/cancel that was submitted with the fix for that
    bug still works here.

    Here, it works on one computer and doesn't on another one
    (they're completely different archs/OS/...; but Xbae and
    Motif are the same on both). The one where "cancel" doesn't
    work exhibits all kind of funky behaviour: clicking on a
    cell copies contents of another one to it etc - typical race
    condition symptoms.

    BTW, there is no make rule for this example.

  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    OK, so it enters the cell back via TraverseInTimeOut().
    Zero-timeout, heh? No wonder it produces race conditions.
    Notice this callback is added to ClipChild. On the other
    hand, Clip has its own FocusIn() action/translation. To make
    things even more funny, the primitive's translations field
    is set to NULL, instead of XtInheritTranslations (why?). I
    was able to solve the problem by setting
    XtInheritTranslations (I recalled I did so some time ago
    with my Xbae-4.7 copy; so the statement "work fine in 4.7"
    is probably incorrect). And defaultTranslations could
    probably include entries for pageup/down scrolling.

    Overall, I got a strong feeling the traversal stuff may need
    a serious cleanup.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I had a peak at the xbae that ships with grace 5.1.18.
    Apparently XtInheritTranslations is also NULL there.
    On the other hand the 0 timeout is ifdeffed out when
    compiled against motif > 1.2. What version of motif
    are you using?

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-03-03

    Logged In: YES

    unmap(true) should work now. I also removed the
    need for the timeout buisness. Can you tell me
    how your racy box likes this version? (And
    what ever else I broke)

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-03-03
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks, unmap(true) seems to work fine now. The only
    remaining problem is that, as a result, the clip child gets
    traversal focus, but it hasn't some standard translations,
    e.g. osfCancel has no effect (it should propogate it to the
    Matrix's parent, I think). In general, Clips are bad
    traversal citizens - for example, there is no way to
    traverse to the scrollbars.

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-03-07

    Logged In: YES

    > Thanks, unmap(true) seems to work fine now.

    Glad to see that works for you.

    > The
    > only remaining problem is that, as a result, the clip
    > child gets traversal focus,

    Nope, none of the clips take part in traversal
    anymore, all have traversalOn set to false. After
    canceledit(true), it's still the textChild that has
    the focus, it's just hidden away. (That's how I got
    rid of the timeout in the first place: if it's the
    textchild (and not a clip) that gets the focus when
    entering the matrix, there is no need to call
    processtraversal through that mechanism.)

    > but it hasn't some
    > standard translations, e.g. osfCancel has no
    > effect.

    Given that it's the textchild that has the focus,
    it's the translationIt's installed on it that take
    effect. In particular osfCancel will invoke
    CancelEdit(True) (unless the matrix is a
    descendent of a dialog shell in which case
    it's ManagerParentCancel() - undocumented

    > (it should propogate it to the Matrix's
    > parent, I think).

    I think you're referring to bug #984323 "Xbae
    overrides osfCancel key binding". This is
    not too hard to solve, I'm just not sure what
    the correct way is: Modifying osfCancelACT
    to act differently when the matrix is a
    descendent of a dialog or adding another
    action that gets invoked instead of
    ParentManagerCancel when the matrix
    is a descendent of a dialogshell.
    Also, it is not clear to me what behaviour the
    'unmapping' of the textChild should have. There
    seem to be contradicting requirements: on the
    one hand it would make sense to surrender the
    focus after cancel/commitEdit(true). On the
    other hand an editCell callback that sets
    unmap to true shouldn't surrender the focus
    to support 'stelth' mode. I don't like the idea
    of having two different kinds of unmapped
    states, so right now when unmapped the
    matrix enters stelth mode.

    > In general, Clips are bad traversal
    > citizens -

    Well, that's why they are not anymore :)

    > for example, there is no way to traverse
    > to the scrollbars.

    Different problem: the scrollbars are created
    with traversalOn set to false (and a 0 highlight
    thickness), change that and you can traverse
    to them. An option would be to add it as a
    resource (ala traverse_fixed).


  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    > I think you're referring to bug #984323

    This is related, of course, but not the same.

    > I'm just not sure what the correct way is: Modifying
    > to act differently when the matrix is a descendent of a
    dialog or adding
    > another action that gets invoked instead of
    ParentManagerCancel when
    > the matrix is a descendent of a dialogshell.

    Well, since XbaeMatrix emulates multiple cell widgets, there
    probably should be different actions when the TextField is
    in the "single cell" mode and when Matrix looks like a whole
    (TextField unmapped). In the case of osfCancel, these should
    be (as I see it) CancelEdit(True) and ParentManagerCancel(),
    respectively. Similarly, osfDown would translate to
    EditCell(Down) and PageDownOrRight(Down) of the scrollbar; etc.

    As you see, I suggest that the "global" translations be
    always the same as for any standard Motif widget inside a
    ScrolledWindow. It's the "cell-gets-a-focus" mode where
    alternative translations/actions are allowed.


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