
#64 writeCB vs. leaveCB

Bugs (67)

In the XbaeMatrix manpage, it's repeated several times
that when drawCB is used, one should use writeCB for
storing data back. I wonder why it's better than
leaveCB? On the contrary, leaveCB provides the nice
"doit" field which allows me to validate the input and
force user to remain in the cell if the input is
invalid. (Theoretically, I could call EditCell from the
write callback, but this results in crash ;-().


  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-02-16

    Logged In: YES

    I guess you're supposed to use both, leaveCB to validate
    and writeCB to store the data back. I see why that makes
    you unhappy because you have to parse the content
    twice. Here is what happens:
    When you leave a cell DoCommitEdit is called. It in
    turn calls the leaveCellCB. If it's ok to leave then it
    calls the matrix's set_cell method. This one calls
    the writeCellCBs.
    The only other place where set_cell method is called
    is through the public interface XbaeMatrixSetCell, which
    you probably don't use anyhow. So if nobody messes
    with the set_cell method of the matrix you should be
    fine as far as using the leaveCB and have no writeCB.

    Now let me speculate why it's done this way. This also
    explain the issues we were talking about in bug #1119856
    "XmNdrawCellCallback() semantics". (why XbaeMatrixGetCell
    calls the drawcellCB):
    I suppose that the drawcellCB buisness apeared later in
    the game. The person who implemented it was pretty
    smart: it's done in such a way that if you want to convert
    an application that does not use a drawcellCB to one that
    does, all you have to do is write the drawcellCB and the
    writecellCB and you're done. You don't need to change
    anything else in your app. Pretty nifty!

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-02-16
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    > I guess you're supposed to use both, leaveCB to validate
    and writeCB to store the data back.

    Well, but my point is I can manage both validation and
    storing with leaveCB alone. I see no need to use writeCB at
    all. Am I missing some usage scenario?

  • Tobias Oed

    Tobias Oed - 2005-02-17

    Logged In: YES

    >> I guess you're supposed to use both, leaveCB to validate
    >> and writeCB to store the data back.

    > Well, but my point is I can manage both validation and
    > storing with leaveCB alone. I see no need to use writeCB at
    > all. Am I missing some usage scenario?

    Sometime in the not so distant future I'll get hung
    for this post.
    As long as you're not relying on calling yourself
    XbaeMatrixSetCell to write back changes to your
    app and don't intend to replace XbaeMatrix by a
    widget that's derived from it[*], you should get as
    many leaveCB as you would have writeCB and
    be fine. But why the bother? It's user interaction
    you're dealing with, what's one more call to a
    callback and a strtod? If I were you I'd errr on
    the safe side and have both callbacks. Sometimes
    you have to sacrifice a tiny amount of performance
    for safety. (Reminds me of this patch to grace that
    got rejected for using fdopen when it was
    improving performance by a very noticable
    amount :^)
    [*] I'm no Motif expert, so I'm not sure under what
    circumstance a Widget's class method can be

  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    > Sometimes you have to sacrifice a tiny amount of
    performance for safety.

    It's not about performance. It's about having all the
    relevant logic in one place instead of splitting it (for no
    apparent reason). Further, the safety lies on the same side,
    since there is no guarantee that no X event enters between
    the two callback calls, so in theory, you can get different
    values in writeCB and leaveCB. The chance is tiny, but it

    > (Reminds me of this patch to grace that got rejected for
    > fdopen when it was improving performance by a very noticable
    amount :^)

    "Duel! Duel! - chirruped the girls excitedly." ;-)

  • Evgeny Stambulchik

    Logged In: YES

    > As long as you're not relying on calling yourself

    We all agree that using XbaeMatrixSetCell when a writeCB is
    defined is stupid. I'll further argue that it's unsafe and
    unreliable - there is always a chance that an expose event
    will be delivered by Xt right after the XbaeMatrixSetCell()
    call, which will overwrite the value set. I'd suggest to
    issue XtWarning and/or ignore XbaeMatrixSetCell at all in
    such cases.


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