
X2CRM / News: Recent posts

X2CRM 6.0 Release - Open source X2 Workflow Designer, Mobile Apps

Last week we released X2CRM version 6.0. This release has a number of exciting features but first I would like to provide a general X2Engine | X2CRM update and forward looking road map for the remainder of this year.

Founded in 2011 and after five years of growth we are now at the stage where X2CRM Cloud Hosting Services now can fully fund company operations – thank you X2VPS customers. At the same time it was felt 6.0 was the right time to fully open source X2Platinum Edition. With version 6, all commercial X2CRM editions have now been combined into a single release and relicensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. X2CRM is fully committed to providing the best open source CRM software. Having one open source edition will make it easier to add new features and also to share the full power of X2CRM as free and open software.

As software developers, you not only want to be successful with the applications you create, but also see them used as fully as possible, by as many folks as possible. Now having only one, X2CRM software application will enable a much richer extension ecosystem around the fully open source X2CRM platform. Join us in the coming weeks as we transform into a real thriving code and CRM knowledge sharing destination.

The X2CRM 6.0 release centered on user experience improvements with the additional of a new lighter default theme and a new Night theme. X2Touch mobile applications continue to be a priority and are in active development with new versions rolling out over the next few weeks..

Posted by X2Calico 2016-05-03

X2CRM 5.2 Released

Hello X2CRM Community,
Today we are very excited to release X2CRM version 5.2 in open source, Professional and Platinum Editions. This CRM software release has been over ten months in the making and in addition to a ton of new features and general application improvements we have placed special emphasis on quality including over 1,000 automated software unit tests. We have also updated the overall look and feel of X2CRM to provide a more personalized user experience. We hope you like this new version of X2CRM.... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2015-08-19 Labels: x2crm x2engine open source crm crm

X2CRM 5.0 Released X2CRM

Hello Sourceforge Community. We are proud to release, PHP powered X2CRM version 5.0. X2CRM.

X2CRM v5.0 Features and Upgrades
Integrated Email Client
An integrated ​Email Client awaits users of 5.0, doing away with the necessity of switching back and forth between your email inbox and your CRM. This feature will be an expansion upon the one-way email correspondence previously available, offering shared outboxes and inboxes – particularly useful for shared email accounts like support or newsletter addresses. This new integrated email client will supersede the email dropbox functionality of previous X2Engine versions.... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2014-12-18 Labels: X2Engine X2Engine Sales CRM X2CRM Open Source CRM CRM

XCRM 4.2 Released

The open source CRM project X2CRM has reached another milestone in its release history with the company’s latest announcement of the availability of version 4.2 of its open source CRM software, which includes marketing automation, sales force automation, process management framework, and service case management features.
This release, like all X2CRM versions, is available as an open source CRM application as well as in two commercial versions available in both cloud and download editions.... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2014-09-05 Labels: CRM X2CRM X2Engine

X2CRM 4.1 Released

Santa Cruz, CA May 22, 2014

X2CRM - View ProfileX2CRM’s intuitive new visual Process Pipeline. The latest addition to the Process
module introduces a drag and drop UI with user color-coded stages.“X2CRM 4.1 is a feature-packed release. The intuitive new process pipeline pushes X2Engine into the gamified CRM sphere.”

X2CRM - View ProfileProcess integration with X2Flow automation adds a new level of power
and sophistication to the intelligence system underlying CRM.“X2Flow automation has become an even more compelling tool in v4.1. The integration of process stages is a ratification of comprehensive business automation.”... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2014-05-23 Labels: Open Source CRM CRM X2CRM X2Engine

X2CRM 3.4 Marketing and Sales Force Software Released

X2CRM general availability of X2CRM version 3.4, an open source, high-performance sales force, marketing automation and service application for small businesses.

Key Features of X2CRM:
Web 2.0 Speed Optimized User Interface
Web Activity Tracker, now with Google Analytics Integration
Web and Facebook Lead Capture Form Designer
Automatic Web Form Embedding Code
Newsletter Generator
Lead Nurturing, Scoring and Intelligent Routing ... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2013-08-28

X2CRM 3.0 Marketing and Sales Force Software Released

Yesterday we released X2CRM 3.0 in both download and virtual private server editions. Below are a few highlights from the press release and a link to the live X2CRM 3.0 demo server.

X2Engine Inc. today announced the general availability of X2CRM version 3.0, an open source, high-performance sales force, marketing and service application for small businesses.

Website -
Demo - ... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2013-05-02 Labels: CRM Sales Force Sales Software Marketing Software

X2CRM 2.9 Open Source CRM Yii PHP

X2CRM 2.9 Changelog

Revamped web API
now supports operations on any module type, including custom ones
Improved stability
More user control over the color scheme
All new default background images
Background fade button (lower right of screen)
Changed to Affero GPL v3 license
Updated CKEditor to version 4
Spellcheck now available in CKEditor
You can now pin activity feed items
Enhancements to Requirement Checker on installation
Numerous bug fixes
Welcome to X2CRM v2.9! X2CRM is a next-generation, open source social sales application for small and medium sized businesses. X2CRM was designed to streamline contact and sales actions into one compact blog-style user interface. Add to this contact and colleague social feeds and sales representatives become smarter and more effective resulting in increased sales and higher customer satisfaction.... read more

Posted by X2Calico 2013-03-22 Labels: Open Source CRM PHP Yii X2CRM X2Engine

X2CRM 2.5

We are proud to release X2CRM 2.5 today.

Checkout the live demo here:

Posted by X2Calico 2012-12-19

X2CRM 2.2

We are getting ready to post X2CRM 2.2 tomorrow. We have made a lot of improvements to the campaign editor and import tools. Stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-11-07 Labels: CRM Sales Force X2CRM X2Engine

X2CRM 2.0 released

We just released X2CRM 2.0 check it out now.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-10-04 Labels: CRM Enterprise PHP CRM Sales Force

X2Engine CRM 2.0

Everything is looking good for X2Engine CRM 2.0 release early next week. Stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-09-26 Labels: PHP CRM CRM X2Engine open source crm

Working on 2.0 for end of month release

We are hard at work on X2CRM 2.0 for an end of month release. Included is a new user security architecture, UI - Navigation improvements, and new customer customization framework to keep modifications separate from base code. - Stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-09-13 Labels: CRM CRM SFA Marketing Customer Relationship Management

X2CRM 2.0

We are on schedule for an end of September X2Engine, X2CRM release - stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-09-08 Labels: CRM

X2CRM 2.0

We are on schedule for an end of September X2Engine, X2CRM release - stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-09-08

X2EngineCRM 1.6.5

Just posted..

X2EngineCRM 1.6.5 Changelog
- Powerful new web lead capture form editor
- Enhanced record tagging abilities
- New single-user lead distribution option
- Automatic phone number formatting (for US numbers)
- Reorganized admin page
- Improved search results
- Improved notification behavior
- Tons of bug fixes
- Improvements to VCR controls and grid sort/filter rememebering

Posted by X2Calico 2012-08-25

X2EngineCRM 1.6.5

We are working on a large X2EngineCRM 1.6.5 release for next Monday, stay tuned.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-08-20

X2Engine CRM 1.6.1 Released

A bunch of subtle UI tweaks and bug fixes.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-07-27

X2CRM 1.6 Released

We just posted X2CRM 1.6. Its got a ton of new features.
Yii Powered, BSD Licensed.

Checkout the live demo:

X2CRM 1.6 Changelog

  • Improvements to list builder interface
  • Improvements to real-time notifications
  • Popup tooltips with contact details on gridview
  • Grid views now have a selector for results/page
  • Enhanced default theme
  • Files can now be attached to emails
  • Redesigned Users menu
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • Enhanced support for phone numbers
Posted by X2Calico 2012-07-19

X2CRM 1.5 GA Released

X2CRM 1.5 Changelog

  • New full-featured Marketing module
  • Built on dynamic or static contact lists
  • Templates with contact info insertion
  • Batch mailing system with real-time status info
  • Email open/click tracking
  • Unsubscribe links

  • Major enhancements to notifications

  • Real-time notification popups
  • Customizable notification events
  • VOIP API allows automatic record lookup when a contact calls your phone... read more
Posted by X2Calico 2012-06-20

1.5 is delayed until next Wed

We are delaying 1.5 until next Wednesday. Lots of cool new features...

Posted by X2Calico 2012-06-15

Working on X2CRM 1.5

We delayed the release one week to add in a few more features. We are looking at next Tuesday of 1.5 release.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-06-11

Started working on 1.4.x

We have been working on 1.4.x Hope to post the release next week.

Posted by X2Calico 2012-05-29

X2CRM 1.4 GA

X2CRM today releases the latest version of X2CRM, the next generation, private-cloud, open source CRM alternative introduced earlier this year. X2CRM 1.4 contains an array of new features and enhancements requested by the rapidly expanding X2CRM global community.

Key Feature Enhancements in X2CRM 1.4 Release

Big Data Global Search Algorithms
Google Calendar Synchronization
New Widescreen Dynamic User Interface
Multi-Process Sales Workflow Engine
MSOffice and Google Docs data export

Posted by X2Calico 2012-05-24