
Problems with copy + paste in latest version 16.12.x

  • Andreas Goebel

    Andreas Goebel - 2017-01-27

    I used to be able to copy+paste images, results or part of results separately. With 16.12.x, I couls only copy complete cells. I´m on linux, if that matters.
    I have now downgraded to 16.04 again, but I´d like to know if it´s a bug or a feature!

    Thanks for clarification,


  • Viktor Mileikovskyi

    Rightclick a field and choose "copy" or "copy as plain text".
    Pasting provides the following result:

    (<Output name="">)<tab><Output>

    where x is the cell number; <tab> is the tabulation character; <Input> is the cell input as plain text; <Output name=""> as it is displayed in the cell output; <Output> is the field evaluation result as plain text.

    It can be edited at the paste destination directly or pasted to a text editor, edited if necessary and copy-pasted to the final destination.

    This workaround is not so easy, especially if the copy result is not acceptable directly for the destination (i.e. tab character or enter is prohibited or the result is too long, but only a part is required). Therefore, the direct copy possibility is desired.

    With best regards.