

Nuklear Zelph

wxDevIDE Package Manager Documentation

C++/wxWidgets ports of the !PackMan and !PackMaker programs used in wxDev-C++/Dev-C++ currently exist in the SVN of wxDev-C++. These ports follow the same look and feel of the originals, but with some bug fixes and other transparent improvements. Namely, the !PackMan2Extended uses both .entry files and a SQLite database to keep track of a package's installed files and package dependencies. In this manner, if two packages share common files, the database will alert the user if one of the packages is removed or updated.

As with wxDev-C++/Dev-C++, the !AutoUpdate (!WebUpdate) feature still uses the .entry files to determine which packages are currently installed and whether there are available updates. It downloads the new
packages (if applicable) and installs them via !PackMan2Extended. With wxDevIDE, each module of the program will be available as a separate package for download. In this way, we may update some modules (e.g. RAD module) more frequently than others (e.g. Compiler interface module).


SVN for PackMaker port

SVN for PackMan port


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