

Nuklear Zelph

this is kind of a placeholder but i'll start it out. this page is a place to put notes and design ideas on for the form designer until we can get some other things out of the way and really buckle down the design wxWidgets fashion. we should make note of the features we currently have and any we might add. there are two things i want to see. option to edit a panel not just the frame/dialog and an optional tree ctrl to show component relations and select them in the designer.

the form designer is going to start out as a standalone and some of the work will be put into the ide later on, like the project space manager. the gui will probably be pretty close to what we already have, but if there is any ideas on a better way to do it this is where to put it. i think that these parts will need to go into the designer:
project space manager, the project file parser, add/remove etc. build targets(not in dev currently) workspace and the like.
template handler, the create a new project stuff
settings manager, something that stores all settings in a central location and reads/writes to disk.
configs will be xml based so we need a xml parser, same with the wxforms now. we need to decide if wxxml is going to work for this
output xml template engine, this helps the output parser understand how to format code for each component and organizes some stuff. it might also allow components to have options added to the designer??
designer core obviously kinda interconnected with the designer panel portion of the gui
output formatter since we are not hard coding the output now.

I have no design ideas a this time I'll do some brainstorming

This page is old, have some beginning info to add


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