Tim - 2011-10-08

Hey guys,

I already built 2.8.10 successfully and I just want build wxD 0.16 using DMD 2.055. By building wxD 0.16 I get the following errors:

cd wxc
dmc -D__DMD__ -mn -g -o+none -D____ -D__WXDEBUG__  -IC:\wxMSW-2.8.10\include  -IC:\wxMSW-2.8.10\lib\dmc_lib\mswd -w- -I. -WA -DNOPCH -HP90 -Ar -Ae   -HP99 -c -oaccel.obj accel.cpp
    virtual ~name() \
local_events.h(49) : Error:  storage class is illegal in this context
    { \
local_events.h(50) : Error: illegal constructor or destructor or invariant declaration
        ProcessEvent(e); \
local_events.h(52) : Error: undefined identifier 'ProcessEvent'
local_events.h(53) : Warning 18: implied return of name at closing '}' does not return value
    void RegisterDispose(Virtual_Dispose onDispose) { m_onDispose = onDispose; } \
local_events.h(67) : Error: undefined identifier 'm_onDispose'
    virtual ~name() { m_onDispose(this); } \
local_events.h(68) : Error:  storage class is illegal in this context
Fatal error: too many errors
--- errorlevel 1
--- errorlevel 1
--- errorlevel 1

Is there any chance to solve that problem(s)?

Thanks in advance for any replies!