
Updating PNG graphs from scratch

  • Dwaine Garden

    Dwaine Garden - 2007-06-30

    I had a problem with the make command telling me that Temp_Day.png was up to date.  I renamed the png graph file and reran.  Now the graphs are blank.

    How do I regenerate the graphs?  I have 4 years of data and don't want to lose my data...


    • Alexis Mellone

      Alexis Mellone - 2007-07-17

      Could you give us more informations ? Did you update your system ? did you change the wx200d version ?
      I didn't use those make command, since I prefer to build my own graph, using rrdtool... but maybe I could help you...

    • Dwaine Garden

      Dwaine Garden - 2007-07-20

      I yum'd the rddtool update.  Then I could not get the temp_day.png to update.  Now all the graphs are blank.  I can't find on the rrdtool site where I can regenerate the graphs with the tgz files.


    • Dwaine Garden

      Dwaine Garden - 2007-07-20

      I might try doing this and regenerate the whole 4 years again.

      If you correct .tab[.gz] data files, you must remove the wx200d.rrd
        and start over from the beginning because you can not insert old
        data into an RRD.


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