sps - 2014-01-10

I am using the the libwmf (0.2.7)to convert wmf to png on mac os x. The
resultant image has the colors messed up big time. I am attaching the wmf
source file, the resultant file an the expected png file. You can see that
all the colors are in red tone. What could be the reason? The code I have
used is following

wmfAPI_Options options;

    wmfAPI* API;

    wmf_error_t error;

    unsigned long flags = WMF_OPT_FUNCTION | WMF_OPT_IGNORE_NONFATAL;

    wmf_gd_t* ddata;

    options.function = wmf_gd_function;

    /* Other Options */

    error = wmf_api_create (&API,flags,&options);

    if (error != wmf_E_None) {

        wmf_api_destroy (API);

        return NULL;


    ddata = WMF_GD_GetData (API);

    if ((ddata->flags & WMF_GD_SUPPORTS_PNG) == 0) {

        wmf_api_destroy (API);

        return NULL;


    error = wmf_mem_open (API, (unsigned char*)data, size);

    if (error != wmf_E_None) {

        wmf_mem_close (API);

        wmf_api_destroy (API);

        return NULL;


    wmfD_Rect bbox;

    error = wmf_scan (API, 0, &bbox);

    if (error != wmf_E_None) {

        wmf_api_destroy (API);

        return NULL;


if 1

    ddata->type = wmf_gd_png;

    ddata->flags |= WMF_GD_OUTPUT_MEMORY;

    ddata->bbox = bbox;

    ddata->width  = (unsigned int) ceil (ddata->bbox.BR.x - ddata->bbox.


    ddata->height = (unsigned int) ceil (ddata->bbox.BR.y - ddata->bbox.



    FILE* out = fopen ("/file.jpeg","w");

    if (out == 0)

    { wmf_api_destroy (API);

        /* */


    ddata->type = wmf_gd_jpeg;

    ddata->flags |= WMF_GD_OUTPUT_FILE;

    ddata->file = out;

    ddata->bbox = bbox;

    ddata->width  = (unsigned int) ceil (ddata->bbox.BR.x -


    ddata->height = (unsigned int) ceil (ddata->bbox.BR.y -



    error = wmf_play (API, 0, &bbox);

    if (error != wmf_E_None) {

        wmf_api_destroy (API);
