
#3 Export Zotero references as \cite... etc?


Currently, Zotero-added references are exported as LaTeX code instead of \cite... commands. Would it be possible to to have an option to do so? I think the Zotero references must be fairly recognizable -- Zotero can reliably find them. I write the Better BibTeX extension to Zotero -- I'm sure I can add any channel you'd need to pull data from Zotero over it's HTTP api.


  • Henrik Just

    Henrik Just - 2015-03-31

    The feature to export Zotero references as \cite commands is already available.

    With Writer2LaTeX 1.5.x you can enable this feature on the page Tools-Options-Writer2LaTeX toolbar-Bibliography.
    Or if you use the command line:
    w2l -use_bibtex true -zotero_bibtex_files zoteroexport.bib document.odt

    Currently the feature is quite limited, though: You will have to do a manual export to BibTeX from Zotero using a modified version of the standard BibTeX export.

    Your idea to pull BibTeX data directly from Zotero sound quite interesting. Please let me know more about this.

    • Thorsten Kemper

      Thorsten Kemper - 2016-09-26

      Hi Henrik, may I ask what you mean by "a modified version of the standard BibTeX export"?

  • Anders Johansson

    What Betterbibtex (friflajs addon) could add would be the possibility to use one's own reasonable citekeys (settable in Zotero with help of Betterbibtex) instead of the zotero item id. If these could be extracted and written by Writer2LaTeX, the citekeys would immediately match what the user gets in all exports from Zotero.

    There is also the zotxt-extension that does parts of these things in a similar way:

  • friflaj

    friflaj - 2015-10-26

    The ZoTXT extension can cough up BBT citation keys, so targeting ZoTXT would suffice.

  • Henrik Just

    Henrik Just - 2022-05-17
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->
  • Henrik Just

    Henrik Just - 2022-05-17

    Writer2LaTeX now integrates with Zotero via Better BibTeX, and the feature will be available starting with version 1.9.4.


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