
#107 signalStopping(...) causes immediate death from Wrapper

API (14)

I have wrapped my code around with the Wrapper, and in
my main class, I have the following stop code:

public int stop\(int exitCode\) \{
    Thread thrWait = new Thread\(\) \{
        public void run\(\) \{
    while \(thrWait.isAlive\(\) || server.isAlive\(\)\) \{
        try \{
        \} catch \(InterruptedException e\)\{\}
    \}return exitCode;

I have installed the app as a Service in Windows XP PRO

The problem is, whenever I shutdown the service, I get

INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 10:51:49 | Query Runner
ERROR | wrapper | 2006/03/03 10:51:49 | Shutdown
failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 10:51:49 |
ChartBuilderThread Ended
ERROR | wrapper | 2006/03/03 10:51:49 | JVM did not
exit on request, terminated
STATUS | wrapper | 2006/03/03 10:51:50 | <-- Wrapper

(Query Runner is our internal code).

When I set the value of wrapper.shutdown.timeout to 0,
and then comment out the signalStopping method, it
shuts down fine:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:00:20 | Query Runner
INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:00:21 |
ChartBuilderThread Ended
STATUS | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:00:22 | <-- Wrapper

(ChartBuilderThread is also our internal code).

Also, when running the signalStopping method from the
console, the same error appears:
wrapper | CTRL-C trapped. Shutting down.
jvm 1 | Query Runner Ended
jvm 1 | ChartBuilderThread Ended
wrapper | Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for
signal from JVM.
wrapper | JVM did not exit on request, terminated
wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped

Many thanks,

David Hayes


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Neglected to mention that it is version 3.1.2 of the Wrapper.

    Many thanks,

    David Hayes

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    With Wrapper.Debug=true

    DEBUG | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP
    DEBUG | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 |
    wrapperStopProcess(0) called.
    DEBUG | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Sending stop
    signal to JVM
    DEBUG | wrapperp | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | send a packet STOP
    : NULL
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Received a packet
    STOP :
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Thread,
    Wrapper-Connection, handling the shutdown process.
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | calling
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Send a packet
    STOP_PENDING : 800
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Query Runner Ended
    DEBUG | wrapperp | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | read a packet
    STOP_PENDING : 800
    DEBUG | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | JVM signalled a
    stop pending with waitHint of 800 millis.
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | ChartBuilderThread
    ERROR | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:48 | Shutdown failed:
    Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.
    ERROR | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:49 | JVM did not exit
    on request, terminated
    STATUS | wrapper | 2006/03/03 11:26:49 | <-- Wrapper Stopped

    Many thanks,

    David Hayes

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I think I know why this is happening now...

    I have taken a quick shufty around the src code.

    The first thing that you do with the signalStarting/Stopping
    millis, is do an integer division by 1000. Effectively, what
    this does is make any millis value <1000 fail over immediately.

    I think that the Javadocs should be modified to say that
    whilst the value for signalStarting/signalStopping is
    allowed to be provided in Millis, the actual value will be
    integer divided into seconds (rounding down). So if you have
    a value of <1000 you effectively say don't wait at all (the
    seconds difference is 0), and you should use a multiple of
    1000 to get guaranteed results.

    Just one to be aware of.

    Many thanks,

    David Hayes

  • Davy Boy

    Davy Boy - 2006-03-03

    Logged In: YES

    As I am aware of the problem, and the workaround (and have
    documented it with this bug, so others can see it), I am
    happy to close this bug if you would like, or at least drop
    the priority considerably.

    Many thanks,

    David Hayes

  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-03-04
    • milestone: --> v3.1.2
  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-03-04
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mortenson
  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2006-03-04

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for looking into the cause of this. I'll get the
    docs updated and see if I make it handle that case better.
    It is used to extend the timeout, so it would probably make
    the most sense to round up to the next second. I've already
    cut off 3.2.0. But I'll get this into the next release.


  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2007-05-30
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Leif Mortenson

    Leif Mortenson - 2007-05-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The Wrapper was modified in 3.2.1 to round all timeout values up to the next second. Furthermore changes were made for 3.3.0 so that it is no longer possible to shorten a timeout using the signalStarting or signalStopping methods.



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