
WenQuanYi (Spring of Letters) / News: Recent posts

WenQuanYi Micro Hei 0.2beta is released

WenQuanYi Micro Hei is derived from Google Droid Font family used in Android system. Since Dec. 2008, WenQuanYi contributors have been working very hard to extend the Han glyphs in the Droid Sans Fallback font to cover more code points for PC users. In this release, we merged the extended Droid Sans Fallback with the high quality Droid Sans/Droid Sans Mono as a extremely compact 5M True-Type collection (ttc) file. Two faces can be found, WenQuanYi Micro Hei and WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono, with a complete coverage to Chinese GBK (cp936), Japanese and Korean locales and around 40000 unicode symbols. Hinting and kerning info derived from Droid fonts is also embedded to give excellent rendering for on-screen use. ... read more

Posted by FangQ 2009-05-26

WenQuanYi Zen Hei v0.8 (Pangu) was released

We are pleased to announce the release of WenQuanYi Zen Hei v0.8, codenamed "Pangu". After more than 8 months of non-stopping development, thousands of characters were polished and the overall look&feel of the font was improved significantly. A new monospace face "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" is now packed into the package and share a 12M TTC font file with the proportional face. We added a new script "zenheiset" and a number of fontconfig files to facilitate users choosing their preferred Hanzi display mode (AA vs. bitmaps). A new bitmap point size (13px) is now officially included in ZenHei, after being polished for over 2 years.... read more

Posted by FangQ 2009-03-14

ZenHei 0.6.26 (Prayer) turns gold

This release fixed some known issues in the previous release, such as incorrect bitmap advancing in Windows, and absent of vertical metrics etc. We are currently working on the standardization of Hanzi styles based on national standards; more than 6700 Hanzi has been updated. In addition, we added new Unicode 5.1 Hanzi glyphs to this release. The font file is 3M smaller (yes!) than the previous release. All these features makes Zen Hei a competent font for displaying Chinese characters in your computer.

Posted by FangQ 2008-06-25

Zen Hei v0.5 (Kwafoo) is released

The final version of Kwafoo is released. Comparing with 0.4.23 (kwafoo-beta), this version fixed a few critical bugs, and completed couple of CJK related blocks, such as CJK Compatibility Forms, CJK Compatibility Ideographs, and Chinese counting robs etc.

Our next version will be 1.0 (Fighting States), it will contain full coverage to HKSCS Hanzi.

Posted by FangQ 2008-03-31

WenQuanYi Zen Hei 0.4.23 (Kwafoo-beta) is ready

A exciting fresh look, complete coverage to GBK charset (including gb2312,big5,gb12345), over 800 new CJK and 1400 non-cjk glyphs, covering zh_cn,zh_hk,zh_tw,zh_sg,zh_mo, ko and ja locales, these are all the new features of this popular Chinese vector fonts totally free and open-sourced.

Posted by FangQ 2008-02-14

Here comes the WQY Bitmap Song 1.0 beta (Hero)

This is the summary of all 3 years hard work done by thousands of volunteers at Wen Quan Yi collaborative font wiki. This font now contains the complete CJK Basic (20902 characters)+CJK Extension A (6582 characters). As far as I know, this is the first open-source Chinese font that achieved this.

Enjoy the refined Chinese glyphs and wide coverage. Looking forward to your feedback.

Posted by FangQ 2007-11-04

WenQuanYi bitmap font v0.8.1 released

bug fix: improved the fontconfig settings to allow a better integration with vector latin and monospace fonts.

Posted by FangQ 2007-04-07

WenQuanYi bitmap font v0.8 released

enjoy :)

Posted by FangQ 2007-03-02

WQY Bitmap font v0.8 RC1 is released

brand new 11/12pt Latin glyphs, adjusted white space width so that CJK ASCII arts can be displayed correctly.

Posted by FangQ 2006-12-30

WenQuanYi new bitmap font (v0.8) betas

1. all 12pt glyphs are compliant to national standard GB18030-2005
2. over 2800 most frequently used character glyphs were optimized
3. over 1000 new glyphs
4. new fontconfig settings allows wqy bitmap fonts to be used in conjunction with vector fonts
and more

Posted by FangQ 2006-12-21

WenQuanYi Bitmap font v0.7 final

BDF/PCF/TTF/RPM packages are ready to download.

enjoy it.

Posted by FangQ 2006-05-21

Milestone release: bitmap font v0.7 beta is out!

More than half year of optimization, ten thousands of glyphs re-mastered artistically renders this font unresistantly attractive.

Try it out, and give me (fangq at your feedback.

If you know how to convert this bitmap font to SFNT ttf/otf, please let me know too.

Posted by FangQ 2006-03-19

new develop tools: vector character workshop

please download the latest vecchinese (win32/lnx) client, both utilize metapost to generate postscript vector characters.

Posted by FangQ 2005-09-08

yhunifont 1.2.2 (stable version) is released

contains more than 41,000 high-quality 16X16 glyphs

Posted by FangQ 2005-08-29

yhunifont 1.2 is out

the character total passes 40,000!

please help us to create more CJK Ext A glyphs at

Posted by FangQ 2005-07-11

Wen Quan Yi Bitmap Song 0.5.0 released!

after 8 months of hardworking, we eventually made it! let's celebrate this moment!

enjoy this gift from the Wen Quan Yi Project.

(oh my, too tired today, need to get some rest.)

Posted by FangQ 2005-06-26

yhunifont 1.1 is released

add 214 new glyphs and improve hundreds. please read release note and ChangeLog for details.

Posted by FangQ 2005-02-06

update 01-30-2005

1. offline bitmap Chinese software v1.1 for linux is released.

2. create WenQuanYi Project roadmap:

3. update Bitmap Chinese subproject progress report:

Posted by FangQ 2005-01-31