Ran Sasson - 2011-11-23

Hi All
I'd like to share my GPO distribution of wphf-reloaded .
It works fine on 86 & 64 bit systems.

1. install the software & configure it & create an addressbook as needed.
2. copy the setup file + wphfgui.ini + addressbook.csv to one folder.
3. create batch file for the machine level that will install the software unattended :
@echo off
"%~dp0\wphfre.exe" /VERYSILENT

4. create batch file for the user level that will install the configuration & addressbook for the user :
@echo off
del /Q /F "%APPDATA%\Winprint HylaFAX Reloaded\wphfgui.ini"
md "%APPDATA%\Winprint HylaFAX Reloaded"
copy /N "%~dp0\wphfgui.ini" "%APPDATA%\Winprint HylaFAX Reloaded\wphfgui.ini"
copy /N "%~dp0\addressbook.csv" "%APPDATA%\Winprint HylaFAX Reloaded\addressbook.csv"
echo email=%username%@wxg.co.il >> "%APPDATA%\Winprint HylaFAX Reloaded\wphfgui.ini"

5. put the two created batch files in the same setup folder .
6. distribute the machine level batch using GPO.
computer - policies - windows - scripts - startup :
parameters= /VERYSILENT
7. distribute the user level batch using GPO.

good luck ,