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Showing 11 results of 11

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
15 Em dash breaks addressbook v1.0_(example) open 2021-03-03 2021-11-22  
14 Faulting application name: wphfgui.exe, v1.0_(example) open 2020-11-16 2020-11-16  
13 Access violation error 'ntdll.dll' v1.0_(example) open Lorenzo Monti 2020-08-05 2020-08-05  
12 Silent Install not working v1.0_(example) open 2019-10-23 2019-10-23  
11 EPRT Error v1.0_(example) open Lorenzo Monti 2018-10-26 2018-11-07  
10 Cannot install wphf-reloaded 0.48 on lastest Win7 64 bit v1.0_(example) open Lorenzo Monti 2014-06-29 2014-08-14  
9 Installation on Windows 8.1 won't work v1.0_(example) open Lorenzo Monti 2014-04-11 2014-12-04  
8 CLI and -to not working? None open 2013-02-06 2013-02-06  
5 first page mirrored and scaled to 5x5cm None open 2012-03-11 2013-01-28  
4 'JPARMUSEXVRES ON': Syntax error None open 2012-02-24 2013-01-28  
3 extended MAPI error (zarafa, several ABs) None open 2012-02-24 2013-01-28  
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