Likely that the cause of all of this is that I didn't do what I was supposed to do to install this.  I'm looking forward to doing it right if you can see what I did wrong.  I connected this to a computer that has Mandrake on the HDD and has a 1400 Athlon processor and 1 GIG of RAM.  Morphix seemed perfectly happy.

%GTM-E-DBFILERR, Error with database file /mnt/g/mumps.dat,%SYSTEM-E-UNKNOWN, Unknown system error -1 At M source location P^DI

%GTM-E-GVGETFAIL, Global variable retrieval failed.  Failure code:JJJJ.,%GTM-I-Global variable: ^DI(.84,0) At M source location P^DI

Thank you for doing this.
-Nancy Anthracite