

3D Printing Professor
MarbleStrike.jpg (83655 bytes)

[Rules] | [Fabrication Guide] | [Lore] | [To Do] | [Support]

Wood Wars 3D action shot
Wood Wars 3D is a labor of love by Joe Larson. I hope you will enjoy it and help me make it the best Open-Sourced 3D Printed Strategy War Game ever.

Of all the help this game needs, the biggest thing you can do is make a set and play it. Test the rules and leave feedback. Leave a comment about what went well and what could be done better. I want this to be the sort of fun and accessable game that makes everyone want to play it.

Besides that, I am looking for a 2D artist willing to migrate the artwork including cards and box art to an open-sourced platform, as well as giving them a more consistant quality. (My own art skills are only average.) If you have experience and drawing talent, please reach out to the project adminstrator.

If you take pictures of the fabrication process, please feel free to submit them for addition to the wiki.

Finally, if you would like to insure it's continued development, please consider a monitary support. You can also support the game with one time donation on PayPal or a reoccouring support on Pateron at the following links:
One time donation:
Reoccouring monthly donation:
Be sure to let me know this donation is for Wood Wars 3D and that I should focus more effort on that.


Wiki: Fabrication Guide
Wiki: Key Concepts and Definitions
Wiki: Lore
Wiki: Preprepared scenarios
Wiki: Rules
Wiki: Support
Wiki: The Untold Story
Wiki: To Do
Wiki: Wood Wars 3D Home