Most of the little infos are now going to the announce list. This includes recent gtk+2 work, the libglade2 port, the fileutils 4.1 merge.
A new list has been made and should be online in 6-24 hours. It will contain announce msgs about major changes in the cvs witme version. This is mainly done as a handy tool for witme users to know when they should cvs -z3 up their witme :)
BTW witme now should compile against & require cvs gevas. enjoy.
It seems that there are a few people visiting the witme site, I am wondering if anyone is actually using it?
witme2 is now available. Its a complete rewrite.
check it out with
cvs -z3 co witme2
Just got it in before the new year... any bonobo hackers are welcome to help get this thing humming faster...
witme is my current toy, I am currently playing
with evas & gtk and getting them to play nice,
There is now a forum created for some ppl to talk about some of the core design issues of a C++ fm.