Bruce Snyder - 2006-12-04

I'm attempting to compile libferris on MacOS X 10.4.8 and currently the libferris configure will not find Xerces-C. I've compiled Xerces-C 2.7 from source successfully and installed it at /opt/xerces-c-2.7. I'm trying to configure libferris using the following:

./configure --prefix=/opt/libferris-1.1.102 --with-xercesc=/opt/xerces-c-2.7 --with-swig-perl

and it's reporting the following error:

configure: error: Fatal Error: no correct xerces-c found.

I know that pkgconfig is looking for the xerces-c.pc but I'm not finding that file anywhere in the Xerces-C source even after it's built.

Any hints of how to continue would really be helpful as my ultimate goal is to use the Perl bindings.
