
Windows Sudoku Puzzle Game / News: Recent posts

Been a long time....

Its been a long time since i looked back at this project but i found a few minutes to spend some time here and i notice this program is still getting quite a few downloads a month.

I noticed that the online publishing was broken due to some changes in sourceforge around february time.

I have fixed the web service so the online publishing should now work again.

If i get some more free time I may consider porting this to C# as that is now my development language of choice.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2011-09-22

Version 3.1 released

Sourcecode, binaries and installer all updated.

Nothing too major here, just a few bug fixes and user suggestions put in...

24-Feb-2007 Fixed multiplayer crash ('$ message when placing a piece)
24-Feb-2007 Fixed issue with highlight cells option not updating when using the keyboard to select the number
24-Feb-2007 Reseting the game now resets the grid candidate notes
24-Feb-2007 Candidate notes are now generated in design mode... read more

Posted by Phantasm4489 2007-02-27

Version 3.0 sourcecode and binaries released

Many new features and changes to extensive to list here.

See Change log for details.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2006-11-06

Winsudoku version 3 is coming soon...

Ive been working on some major changes to the generation code (many of the code changes are already in cvs).

The daily sudoku feature will be finally working again.

I will also try to get any outstanding requests implemented in the next week or so before releasing....


Posted by Phantasm4489 2006-10-30

Windows Sudoku version 2.5 released

New features listed below:

Added ability to publish high scores onto and for others to play them and compete for a better time.

Added proxy function for daily sudoku & publishing high scores

Code now reads version number from exe and dislays in about screen.

Colour preferences now show currently selected colour.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2006-04-25

WinSudoku 2.4 Released!!

Finally I found time to do some more work on this puzzle game.

Here are the major changes..

- Ported to delphi 2005
- Converted all strings to resource strings ready for internationalisation
- Added German translation
- Fixed bugs relating to protected registry / non administrator users
- Reworked the generation algorithm to search more thoroughly for valid puzzles.
- Added option to print multiple sudokus (thanks ydaki for suggestions/code regarding this)
- Removed invisible debug form
- Updated to latest dailysudoku.exe... read more

Posted by Phantasm4489 2006-03-17

Localizations / Translations

The next release of WinSudoku will fully support unicode character sets and localizations.

This means that it can easily be translated into all languages.

To this end I have posted a package which contains the necessary software that can be used to create additional translations for the application.

Feel free to use the application to produce additional language translations and send them to me and i will include them in future releases (with the appropriate credit).... read more

Posted by Phantasm4489 2006-02-28

WinSudoku 2.3 Released

Major changes in this release include:

- Automatically download the daily puzzle from www.daily and play
- Added an alternative user input system

Posted by Phantasm4489 2005-10-30

WinSudoku 2.2 Released

This new release is mostly to address the users requests. The most significant changes are:

- Much Improved Loading/Saving
- Records the fastest time and player name for the grid
- Auto checking option during play
- Preferences option to allow the game colours to be changed

Thanks for all your positive support so far and I hope you enjoy this release.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2005-10-15

WinSudoku 2.1 Released

No significant changes to the gameplay or features in this release, but the puzzle generator has been improved significantly.

The generator will now ensure that all puzzles generated are of the correct difficulty. Previously due to the randomness of the old algorithm it was common to get puzzles which were actually less difficult than the selected setting.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2005-09-18

WinSudoku 2.0 Released

New mutliplayer network modes added (Battle mode and head to head play). Upto 7 players competing simulteanously.

You can now enjoy playing sudoku in single or multiplayer modes for even more logic fun.

Posted by Phantasm4489 2005-08-31