
#3 VERIFY command v2



Using this patch, you will add a new command to
ChanServ. The command is VERIFY. It's actually a
replica of the VERIFY command used on GNUworld (X) at
UnderNET. The command will displays whether or not a
person is logged in, and if so displays their username
and also indicates whether or not they are an Official
Channel Service Administrator or Representative, Official
Coder-Com Developer or Representative,
a Network Administrator and/or an IRC Operator.
Command Syntax:
/msg ChanServ verify NICK
!verify NICK

.:[SECTION 1]:.

Q: How to make a use an Official CService
Representative/Senior Administrator ?
A: Actually you can do that using AuthServ (nickserv).
/msg authserv oset *account flags +hg -->
use this for Official CService Representative
/msg authserv oset *account flags +Hg -->
use this for Official CService Senior Admin.

Yes, that is corect. If an user has +h flag (support
helper) he will become an CService. Representative, and
if he has +H (network helper) he will become an

.:[SECTION 2]:.

Q: How to make an user to become an Official Coder-
Com Representative/Developer/Network Admin ?
A: Using AuthServ (nickserv) ofcourse.
/msg authserv oset *account access 10 -->
use this for Official Coder-Com Representative.
/msg authserv oset *account access 500 -->
use this for Official Coder-Com Developer.
/msg authserv oset *account access 1000 -->
use this for Network Administrator.

If you selected "privileged" "1"; in the srvx.conf at
OpServ option (meaning that only global ircops may use
opserv), there is NO PROBLEM if the user you add is not
an IRC Operator. The reply will still work but the user
wont be able to use opserv :)

.:[SECTION 3]:.

Also, the authentication message was changed. Insted
of :
-AuthServ- I recognize you.
now you will have:
and if the user that is logged on, is NOT a
CService/IRCop he will receive a message regarding the
username password. GNUworld (X) looklike :p~

Well...I hope you will enjoi this patch as much as I do :)

Best regards,
[zet] <>

DO NOT USE this patch if you have the fisrt version of
the verify command. It will NOT work. Download verify-
fix patch for that :)


  • Xorath The Beast

    VERIFY command v2

  • Xorath The Beast

    • summary: VERIFY command --> VERIFY command v2
    • status: open --> open-accepted

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