
#37 winlop crash


sorry if i reopen a closed bug, but your answare didn't
make me feel comfortable :)

the bug was "winlop cvs gui problem"
i don't want to write all again, so just enter the summary.
You say that

Not a bug. At least not a Winlop bug.
This happens when there's no system resources anymore.
Instead of simply crashing, the GTK tryes to give up and
again next time (but issuing a warning). Sometimes you
fix it by simply closing some other programs that may be
consuming the resources (like a game). If closing other
programs don't stop the warnings, it's probably time to
reboot your windows.
Be aware that some theme engines may not check the
lack of
resources like GTK does, so even if GTK is 'sane' by giving
up in what it was trying to do (and giving a warning), the
theme engine may corrupt the entire program.

but, the system is not out of resource, i am not playing,
not using application a part from msn messenger and
mail. Also the problem appear when logoff and return to
winxp. Is possible that the problem is a memory hole on
winlop? or maybe gtk didn't support logoff or
screensaver? i am really sure that there are system
resource (memory is 1gb, and only few apps running).
Any help is appreciate, now i will ask to gtk team if
gtk1.3 have problem with logoff :)

best regards


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    a little add, today the gui became mad after doing nothing of
    special (chatting, downloading). 5 hours uptime, but this time,
    i didn't see any output on console, no warning or error, lop is
    still usable (is still running to finish download hehehe) but the
    gui is not usable, i can minimize it without problem but when i
    open it all is scrambled :)

  • Daniel K. O.

    Daniel K. O. - 2004-09-16

    Logged In: YES

    You can bet GTK+ 1.3 doesn't support a lot of things.
    And no, Winlop doesn't have memory holes that doesn't exist
    on the original, I can guarantee that. ;) All of the GUI
    code remains the same (try diffing the entire src subfolder).

    Do you get these GUI problems with non-CVS versions too?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    well other release crash for some strange reason, 0.9 seem to
    have some gui problem, but i cannot guarantee this, i am not
    so sure

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    maybe the problem are the theme engine, i will try to remove
    the folder, to be sure that no engine is loaded.

  • Daniel K. O.

    Daniel K. O. - 2004-09-16

    Logged In: YES

    Just selecting the "default" theme (and then restarting
    winlop) should be enough.

  • Daniel K. O.

    Daniel K. O. - 2005-02-15

    Logged In: YES

    Well, the old gtk+ 1.3 really has problems with some screen
    modes - and maybe they are set when you logoff or when you
    screensaver run; did you try minimizing winlop to tray
    before the screensaver starts, to see if the problem still
    happens? What happens when you change the screen's color
    depth? What's your screen's settings and video card?


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