
WinLIRC / News: Recent posts

New version 0.8.6a

New version with support for the USB iguana receiver. If you have any problems please submit bug reports !

Posted by Ian 2010-06-14

Added experimental support for a new reciever

See files section for details !

Posted by Ian 2010-05-23

7 years later .. here's a new version

Based on the latest LIRC version. Needs some public testing to no doubt iron out some bugs, but seems to work nicely. Thrown in some new icons too. Enjoy.

Posted by Ian 2010-05-02

CVS updated

CVS repository now contains the same files as in release 0.6.5

Posted by Michal Leon Borsuk 2006-07-30

WinLIRC 0.6.4 released

This version adds:
advanced power management support
configurable TCP port
the ability to use multiple transmitters
an inverted option for the transmitter
-enabling direct control of pioneer SR devices
(and probably sony S-Link)
additional bugfixes and improvements

Posted by Scott Baily 2002-07-13

WinLIRC 0.6.3 released

This version adds RX receiver, TX transmitter, and hard carrier transmitter support.
It fully supports config files created by LIRC 0.6.5.
Also the tray icon can be hidden.

Posted by Scott Baily 2002-06-08

WinLIRC 0.6.2 released

This is a bugfix release to solve the "Cannot
start server" issues that new users were seeing
with 0.6.1pre3. As with 0.6.1pre3, this supports
improved transmitting and Animax receivers.

Posted by Jim Paris 2002-03-27

updated files

now supports transmission of infrared codes
also the configuration files should be closer to full compatiblity with current versions of LIRC
(frequency, duty cycle, toggle_bits, RC5, etc.)

Posted by Scott Baily 2001-04-10


We're always looking for more developers.
If you're interested in helping out,
drop me or either of the other project admins
a line.

Posted by Jim Paris 2001-03-22


I've put my latest copies of gen_ir and
WinLIRC into CVS. It was a bit of a mess,
as I'm new to CVS, but it's in there. :)

Posted by Jim Paris 2001-03-17

Project Moved

The WinLIRC project has moved here.

Posted by Jim Paris 2001-03-17