
#10 Bluetooth implementation


i don't know if this is possible, but because many
applications include winlirc support, it would be perfect
to include bluetooth support into winlirc.

possiblle implementations:

use mobile (f.e. 7650) as a remote

it has all you need keypad etc.

maybe winlirc is only for infrared designed, but this
would enclude a by far better suppport, and a new kind
off connunication between devices. bt will be the future
of infrared.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have exactly same idea to control PC via WinLIRC from
    Symbian phone. I could write an app for phone that would use
    Bluetooth on the phone side via RFCOMM.

    On the PC side the Bluetooth adapter offers serial port
    which receives normal data bytes (as opposed to IR pulses).
    I do not know however how to "train" WinLIRC to understand
    normal serial data coming into bluetooth serial port.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have exactly same idea to control PC via WinLIRC from
    Symbian phone. I could write an app for phone that would use
    Bluetooth on the phone side via RFCOMM.

    On the PC side the Bluetooth adapter offers serial port
    which receives normal data bytes (as opposed to IR pulses).
    I do not know however how to "train" WinLIRC to understand
    normal serial data coming into bluetooth serial port.

  • Michal Leon Borsuk

    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Michal Leon Borsuk

    • milestone: --> Bluetooth

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