
Moving to github

Hi everyone,

WinHue will continue it's life on github from now. If you need support please create yourself an account there and It will be a pleasure to help you.

Posted by Hyrules 2016-06-28
  • Jean-Pierre Vuille

    The above linh does not work: error 404. I need support on winhue, please help.
    Jean-Pierre VUILLE

  • Hyrules

    Hyrules - 2016-12-28

    Link has been updated thanks

  • Jean-Pierre Vuille

    WinHue 3 beta 24 regularly crashes. I get messages "Bridge is not responding". Then no way to pair the bridge again, althoug its correct IP is displayed. The only solution is to reset the bridge to its factory settings. Any idea how to fix the problem ?

  • Hyrules

    Hyrules - 2016-12-29

    If you need support for WinHue please open an issue on github and I will take a look at the problem. This is not the place to report problems as the main repo and issues are at GitHub.


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