
#35 ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED


mabraham@wellfleet:~> winexe -s /dev/null -U ISCINTERNAL\user%pass -d 11 //QDVMHSQTPF1 "cmd /c mkdir C:\A"

SMB Signing is not negotiated by the peer
IN: async_open(\pipe\ahexec, 2)
IN: async_open_recv
ERROR: smb_raw_open_recv - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
ERROR: on_ctrl_pipe_error - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

I cannot determine the source of this issue, could it be related to samba versions? This command works fine on a windows2012server, but when the target machine is win7 it gets the above error. Any ideas?


  • ahajda

    ahajda - 2013-09-10

    have you tried psexec on this machine?

  • Thomas Hood

    Thomas Hood - 2013-09-11
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Thomas Hood

    Thomas Hood - 2013-09-11

    Just added to the README:


    1. Winexe blocked by Windows "simple file sharing" mode

    Some versions of Windows operate in so-called "simple file sharing" mode.
    In this mode, when an attempt is made to access the system over the
    network using credentials that are local to that server or client,
    Windows will only provide guest level access.

    To fix, you have to set the "Network Access: Sharing and security model for
    local accounts" to "Classic – local users authenticate as themselves".
    Access it via Start > Run > secpol.msc > Local Policies > Security Options,
    and change "Network Access: Sharing and security model for local accounts"
    to "Classic - local users authenticate as themselves".


    1. Winexe blocked by Windows Remote User Account Control

    The LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy setting affects how administrator
    credentials are applied to remotely administer the computer.

    To use winexe with a Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine it is
    necessary to configure a registry setting as follows.

    Click on the Windows "Start" icon, enter "cmd" and then press
    CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER. In the console window that subsequently opens, enter
    the following command.

    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system" /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f


  • max abrahams

    max abrahams - 2013-09-11

    I had already added the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy reg key, (forgot to mention that in initial post), and the network access was already set to 'Classic'

    I downloaded psexec and tried it from a remote machine; it did not work. "access is denied"... I assume there's something wrong with the network config, in that case.

    thanks anyway

  • max abrahams

    max abrahams - 2013-09-11

    Ok, I solved this... it was in that I was trying to log on via a domain user, but only local users were configured. Simple solution, but at least my struggles got the readme updated! :D

    Thanks for your help

  • Thomas Hood

    Thomas Hood - 2013-09-11

    Glad to hear you solved it. :)

  • Thomas Hood

    Thomas Hood - 2013-09-11
    • status: accepted --> closed-invalid
  • Kim

    Kim - 2018-07-02

    Hi, I am getting the same error with local users as well.

    IN: async_open(\ahexec, 2)
    IN: async_open_recv
    ERROR: smb_raw_open_recv - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
    ERROR: on_ctrl_pipe_error - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
    ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED


    ERROR: Cannot connect to svcctl pipe. NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.

    Looks like am missing something in setting up the local user. Can you please elaborate on the things we need to do for local users?

    Please note that I have already set 'Network Access: Sharing and security model for local accounts' to 'Classic – local users authenticate as themselves' and LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 1.


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