
Reason 3

  • Martin Townsend

    Martin Townsend - 2015-06-13


    I recently got Reason 3 working with wineasio but I had to recompile it with -DASIOST32INT. I'm new to audio programming so I don't quite understand what this switch does apart from telling Reason to use 32 Integer values for samples which I think are then converted to 32bit floats for Jack?? Anyway looking at the code, a for loop for all samples with a floating point divide is not optimal so I was wondering why the default ASIOSTFloat32LSB is not working? Is there anything I could try to get this working with Reason 3? If not maybe it would be worth have a runtime switch for ASIOST32INT that could be set like you do for autostart server etc.

    Many Thanks for the driver, it's great to be able to use Reason with Ardour.


  • Peter L Jones

    Peter L Jones - 2015-06-14

    You may get better support for questions on setting up Reason from its authors rather than here. I've never used it. Many products using ASIO simply ask the ASIO driver what format details to use and do as they're told. Perhaps Reason doesn't support 32 bit floating point, though.

  • Joakim Hernberg

    Joakim Hernberg - 2015-06-14

    Hmm, I don't know what I can really do to help with this. Reason really ought to work with floating point, as many ASIO drivers use this format. It's not up to the application to chose, it just has to support what the driver gives it. That said iirc I added integer support for some NI synth, but that one has worked with fp for years now. In fact in the rewrite that I'm doing to integrate wineasio into wine, I've removed 32b Int support completely. No idea when or if I'll finish that port though (matter of time and interest)...

    Isn't reason 3 some really ancient version? Just tried to download a reason demo, but got version 8.20, which didn't manage to install directly...

    • Martin Townsend

      Martin Townsend - 2015-06-14

      Thanks for the info. Yep Reason 3 is ancient :) I bought it many many
      years ago but I have some really good sample libraries that I still want to
      use. From what I've read Reason 8 still has some outstanding issues to fix
      before it will run in Wine.

      So from what I can gather the driver reports to the application what sample
      format it's using in GetChannelInfo. The application should then adhere to
      this. Like Peter mentions it looks like Reason 3 doesn't support floating
      point. Looking at the ASIO documentation there is no way for the ASIO
      driver to find out what the host app supports so I can see the problem with
      trying to support int and floating point in the driver. I think my best bet
      is to keep my Int32 compiled driver somewhere separate and create a script
      that registers this driver using RegSvr32 before starting Reason leaving
      the original float32 driver for all other apps.

      I'm grateful to have something that works and thank you for the driver :)

      • Martin.

      On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Joakim Hernberg

      Hmm, I don't know what I can really do to help with this. Reason really
      ought to work with floating point, as many ASIO drivers use this format.
      It's not up to the application to chose, it just has to support what the
      driver gives it. That said iirc I added integer support for some NI synth,
      but that one has worked with fp for years now. In fact in the rewrite that
      I'm doing to integrate wineasio into wine, I've removed 32b Int support
      completely. No idea when or if I'll finish that port though (matter of time
      and interest)...

      Isn't reason 3 some really ancient version? Just tried to download a
      reason demo, but got version 8.20, which didn't manage to install

      Reason 3

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  • Joakim Hernberg

    Joakim Hernberg - 2015-06-14

    IIRC, I did have an implementation earlier that allowed changing between 32b float and int at runtime through a registry entry. Don't think it would be too hard to add it back in, but the code i'm working at right now (intermittently) is a mess right now. Am trying to integrate it into wine itself (auto registring), and that part is all done already. What has been hanging me up is trying to please the wine devs and adding OSX support to it...

    You could have a look at the older source tarballs?

  • Joakim Hernberg

    Joakim Hernberg - 2015-06-14

    Seeing that I get a real lazy feeling contemplating picking up the code again and adding back 32bit int support, especially if it's just for one user wanting to run some ancient software :)

    One solution might be to build wine yourself and to run it out of it's build tree with a special wineasio just for reason3. Alternatively you could also install it into /opt or something like that and use just that wine install for reason3.

    Please come to #wineasio on freenode if you want to chat a little about the possible solutions. I'm mostly around as Jack Winter.

    • Martin Townsend

      Martin Townsend - 2015-06-15

      I'm happy to keep my 32bit int driver in a separate directory and use it
      for Reason 3. I just need to work out how to get MIDI working now as
      Reason is a bit useless without it :) But that's not a problem with the
      ASIO driver.

      On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Joakim Hernberg

      Seeing that I get a real lazy feeling contemplating picking up the code
      again and adding back 32bit int support, especially if it's just for one
      user wanting to run some ancient software :)

      One solution might be to build wine yourself and to run it out of it's
      build tree with a special wineasio just for reason3. Alternatively you
      could also install it into /opt or something like that and use just that
      wine install for reason3.

      Please come to #wineasio on freenode if you want to chat a little about
      the possible solutions. I'm mostly around as Jack Winter.

      Reason 3

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