
Possible for Windrop Shell?

  • Garret Maartens

    Garret Maartens - 2009-01-05

    Hi Guys

    I'm running my eggdrop on another computer that is always online, but it's always a mission to update the files and the eggdrop.conf when i want to change something on the other computer...

    So i want to know is there a way i can send/receive files, like a shell, from this computer to the computer with windrop on it?



    • jwist

      jwist - 2009-01-08

      For anyone to help you with that, you need to be more specific on:
      - what operative system do you use on both machines?
      - is the machine, that hosts windrop, behind a router or firewall?
      - can you connect to that machine easily ?
      - how do you update the config file at the moment?
      - Why is it so hard?
      - etc...

      But there are 2 main possibilities:
      1. You either edit the file directly (like if you were sitting in front of the pc running windrop) - there are many different ways to do this.
      2. Or copy the file to your computer, change it and then copy the file back to the host pc, then restart windrop.

    • jwist

      jwist - 2009-01-08

      And by the way.. The shell that you are talking about is provided by the operative system (i.e: Linux) and never by the programs (like Windrop) itself.

    • Garret Maartens

      Garret Maartens - 2009-01-09

      Both Computers Have Windows XP Service pack 3 on it.

      The computer that the windrop is on, is at my friends house... and when i want to update my windrop, i always need to call him to come over and do it... so thats why i was asking if there isnt a way how i can connect to his computer and send the files.



    • jwist

      jwist - 2009-01-09

      The only way i see is to remote control your friend's computer. This website makes things easier: LogMeIn at

      - 1st you create an account on the website
      - then you install a program provided by LogMeIn on your friend's computer, that will act like a server
      - then you add your friends computer to that account, on the website.
      - and like that you will be able to remote control your friends computer.

      Note: your friend can keep LogMeIn service OFF most of the time and turn it ON only when he wants you to access the computer.
      To remote access the computer you only need to log in to your account at the website and choose the PC and logon with your data.

      Of course all of the above is not very pratical... Best would be to get a Linux Shell Account and run EGGDROP in there, or to have your computer with WINXP always on running Windrop...

      Free Linux Shells here:

      Good Luck :)


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