
Winamp OpenAL Output Plug-in / News: Recent posts

Version 1.0.1

This is a rebuild from Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition to get the binary up to date for Windows 8.

Posted by Anonymous 2013-09-02

Version 2.0

I am, very slowly, very very slowly, working on version 2.0 when I have time. There's a 2.0 branch under Subversion but I wouldn't advise on using it.

But yes, not forgotten I'm just a dash busy. Also, 24bit support would be warmly welcomed!

Posted by Anonymous 2011-09-23

Features for 2.0?

As we're getting close to version 1.0 and fixing the last few bug I've started to look at doing a proper design for version 2.0 using a decent object orientated design. At present it's all evolved from the initial OpenAL prototype and the code is messy and doesn't follow a decent object orientated architecture.

Other things, as suggested by users, is software-based resampling support using existing third-party libraries.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-01-08

Sync issues prior to 1.0

In short, I'm working on fixing the remaining 3D issues. I've also added one or two performance optimisations to reduce the CPU usage which is quite noticeable.

Techy bit: Started working on a proper way to synchronise all the renderers. The idea is that each thread should start playing at the same time rather than at different times based on their position.

I've implemented this but it still isn't fixing the issue so a bit more debugging is needed but every bit should start to help correct the problem!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2009-12-22

Getting ready for 1.0

Wumpus OpenAL Output is now out and has the last fix I know about before I start on 2.0 with all the feature requrests. So, if this works nicely it'll get pushed up to the 1.0 release version!

Posted by Anonymous 2009-11-25

Robustness Testing

With Windows 7 working quite nicely with my Xi-Fi (if you have issues, log a bug tracker and note your card and driver as it may not be an issue with the Plugin but with your card and drivers) I've started to do some more robustness testing.

Right now I'm in the middle of cleaning up a few memory leaks and the skipping issue but they're in the grit so will need to be fairly well tested.

Please let me know how you're doing with Windows 7 - I read that Winamp also has its issues so the more info the better!

Posted by Anonymous 2009-11-10

Windows 7

My copy of Windows 7 should arrive on Saturday ready for installation on Sunday (sorry, LAN [gaming] party calls). At this point it'd also move the 64bit version but I don't see this affecting the final build as it'll still be a 32bit DLL and 32bit version of Winamp.

Assuming Creative have their Xi-Fi drivers ready for release and they're stable - some issues reported XRAM issues - it should "just work" as OpenAL & the driver should do all the work.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2009-10-23

The bug weekend

Trying to sort through the remaining bugs today ready for the 1.0 release. Get anymore in there quick

Posted by Anonymous 2009-10-04

Version 0.9.7 released

A new beta named 0.9.7 is out and re-adds stereo and mono expansion back in. If people are still not having it appear in their Winamp output list let me know which version it is (right click on the DLL, properties etc) and also what Operating System (Xp, Vista, 7) and its type (32bit, 64bit) etc.

Hopefully the issue should be fixed though.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-09-30

Stereo/Mono expansion in 0.9.6

Because of the new 3D and Effects stuff in 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 I had to remove the Stereo and Mono expansion code. I've got it back in and am just doing a few tests now so expect a 0.9.7 release with stereo & mono in again soon!

Posted by Anonymous 2009-09-28


The new 0.9.5 beta would cause crashes if you were missing XRAM. Thanks to soddit112's debugging he found it and I've corrected the bug. I'll put out a release later on and will try and stamp the bug regarding it cutting the end of the track off too.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-09-27

Back to work

After spending some time getting my Operating System code up and running I thought I'd spend some time on this for a bit; ideally trying to get a new beta out this weekend which will no doubt cause some problems due to the new 3D code in there, it should also support effects.

I'll also try and get XRAM working and allow bigger buffers to make better use of XRAM.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-09-19

Windows 7 support for Winamp OpenAL

I'm now armed with a copy with Windows 7 RC 1 (x64) to give it a whirl and get out the issues that people have been seeing. The 3D/effects stuff should be made a lot more stable this weekend too.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-31