
Win32GUI - Win32 GUI Generics / News: Recent posts

WIN32GUI - v1.6.7.27 has been released (major surface update

Major surfaces update.

You can really put surfaces to the test.
Check them out:

Posted by John Torjo 2005-09-19

WIN32GUI - v1.6.6 has been released (surfaces resizing)

win32gui, v1.6.6 is available!

Surfaces are a concept that complements windows,
providing highly customizable UI and resizing.

A window never draws itself. It just notifies
its corresponding surfaces (every window has at
least one surface).

Same goes for resizing: the window will notify
its corresponding surfaces, which will resize themselves.

The cool thing is that you can script relations between
surfaces, and they update automatically.... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2005-07-05

WIN32GUI - v1.6.5 released

- reflection.
You'll find the reflection in win32gui/reflection directory.
Also, in compilers/vc71/surfaces/testreflection you can find tests for the reflection mechanism.
They can be compiled with vc71, gcc 3.3, gcc 3.4.2 and como
- lots of goodies from Steven Weiss :)
like, new resource classes: pen, brush, font
- solved a few bugs
- solved bug at wnd_resize - when a window has a custom handler for WM_SIZE; sometimes it was called too early.
- solved but at window_base::destroy.
(it did not call the event handler for WM_DESTROY)
- **** allow building as DLL
Note: this is still experimental, and works only on VC71.
- func_wrapper<>s have their operator() as const
- you can now add mapping filters - in case there are on-the-screen windows for which you don't
want a mapping to a C++ class. This could be useful when you're developing a dll, or an ActiveX control.
bool your_filter_func( HWND h) {
// if you return false here, there won't be a C++ object corresponding to this window
win32::gui::mapping::filter::add( your_filter_func );... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2005-04-30

WIN32GUI v1.6.4 released

- Advanced subclassing: you can now subclass any window
from your program, easy and flexible! You can, for example,
handle events from all your windows, in about 5-10 lines of code!
Check out the examples/advanced_subclassing.
- Win32GUI Spy: Know your application inside out! Yet another
way to spy on your programs. Advanced filtering included.

Posted by John Torjo 2005-02-23

Win32GUI - v1.6.3 released (Resource Splitter)

win32gui v1.6.3 has been released.

Lots of new docs, and finally, the Resource Splitter, which makes programming much easier, and type-safe at the same time!
Finally, the Resource Splitter brings a new Event system , much easier to use, which is the beginning of platform-independent events!

You can read about this online (, or
by downloading win32gui + its documentation.... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2005-01-21

Win32GUI - v1.6.2 released

- ported to gcc 3.4.2 - many thanks to Vladimir Marko!!!
- added Resource Splitter
(cool and friendly syntax)
- solved bug when the window chooses to destroy itself while processing an event
(like, calling self->destroy());
- small improvements
- added event_handler::self, so that in your event handler functions you can write:
self->whatever() instead of window()->whatever()
(saves you 4 chars)
- solved seteral bugs found by various people from (especially fotzor - thanks!)
- removed (commented) add_item_array - for adding an array of items into a combobox/listbox... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-12-21

WIN32GUI - Cross Builder, v1.0

Hi all,

I'm happy to annonce one more program that was built using win32gui.

It's "Cross Builder":

In short, Cross Builder allows you to build C++ projects very easy.
In addition to that, it allows you to modify various compiler settings
in a simple and straightforward way.

Cross Builder's purpose is to make it as easy as possible
for you to build your projects with *any* C++ compiler.... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-12-15

Win32GUI - v1.6 released

- added docs
- very close to fully abstracting events.
- solved small bugs
- added enumerations - see "Enumerations" in the documentation
- added window_base::minimize & maximize
- when testing, dump all thrown win32gui exceptions/ caught ones as well.
- some statics are registered to be deleted only when ~all_windows are destroyed.
- refactored detail/ directory
- refactored event_handler
- added dialog::dlg_res_id() - returns the ID of the resource the dialog was created from.
- solved bug at comparing signals.

Posted by John Torjo 2004-11-17

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.7)

- added docs for about half of the controls

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-21

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.6)

Added docs for:
- control struct wrappers
- dialog
- signal
- frame

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-20

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.5)

Added sections:
# Waiting for Signals
# weak_wnd<> vs. wnd<> (Advanced)

* The need for weak_wnd<>
* What does weak_wnd<> do
* Converting weak_wnd<> to wnd<>
* Converting wnd<> to weak_wnd<>
* Manipulating weak_wnd<>
# Thread-safety of win32gui
# Subclassing/ Remapping/ Replacing

Added: Other classes:
- wnd<>
- weak_wnd<>
- window_base
- raw struct wrappers... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-19

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.4)

Improved + improved main page
And, add sections:


Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-18

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.3)

finished "Event Handling"
and I'm finished too ;) need to go to bed...

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-17

WIN32GUI - documentation (v0.2)

(v0.1) Manipulating C++ window objects
(v0.1) Window Creation
(v0.1) GUI RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)
(v0.2) Window vs. Dialog vs. Frame vs. Control
(v0.2) Extending Window classes
(v0.2/partially) Event handling

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-15

WIN32GUI - documentation

Hi all,

Win32GUI Docs are on the way!!! I've finally got the time, and started doing the docs.

I do have a big favor to ask. For the period of generating the docs, I will create a new Package, called win32gui-docs-beta, in which I will post (most likely daily) the docs.
Please, if you can, read them and give me feedback so I'll know what to improve.

The first (modest) pack will come in a few hours ;)... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-14

WIN32GUI - v1.5.1 released

* (v1.5) tooltips. So easy to use, and they work for *menus* too!
* (v1.5) bitmap buttons (they can be set at dialog design time) Work for push-like check-boxes and radio button as well. You can easily set "hot tracking" for a certain bitmap button. And, they work on MessageBox too!!!
* (v1.5) added hyper_links at dialog design time
* (v1.5) lite HTML class (also, you can set at design time)
* (v1.5) tab dialogs - and you can also set them at dialog design time (much better than MFC property pages!)
* solved minor bugs

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-13

WIN32GUI - v1.5.0 released


* bitmap buttons (they can be set at dialog design time)
Works for push-like check-boxes and radio button as well
You can easily set "hot tracking" for a certain bitmap button
* added hyper_links at dialog design time
* lite HTML class (also, you can set at design time)
* message reflection
* weak_wnd<>
* added samples ;)
* compiles on vc8
* improved null_wnd usage (you can create a null window much easier now)
* added mapping::replace_wnd functions.
* made it easier to create event handlers... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-10-08

WIN32GUI - v1.4.3 released

- implemented Advanced Thread-safety for windows (so that any window can be accessed from any thread)
- created como-builder.exe - a tool for easier building the samples for Comeau compiler
- window_base::is_valid: added possibility to know whether a window is valid or not
(that is, has it already been destroyed, and you're still holding a reference?)
- added hyper_link, lite_html controls
- ported to gcc3.3.1
- increased the speed of wnd_shared_ptr - using InterlockedIncrement/Decrement from Peter Dimov
- added lots of debugging support
- window_base::destroy - works from any thread you call it.

Posted by John Torjo 2004-09-23

WIN32GUI v1.4.1 released - true binding of your data to UI

Updates relative to v1.4.0:
- added bolded_save_dlg class and examples/smart_dlg/simpl_empl_bolded. Check it out!
- ported to gcc/como

win32gui - v1.4.0 released
Finally, implemented save_dlg - allowing true binding of your data to UI controls. Also, adding validation rules is really easy.

Check out the samples in the win32gui/examples/smart_dialogs.

Posted by John Torjo 2004-09-15

WIN32GUI v1.4.0b released (true binding of your data to UI)

win32gui - v1.4.0 released
Finally, implemented save_dlg - allowing true binding of your data to UI controls. Also, adding validation rules is really easy.

Check out the samples in the win32gui/examples/smart_dialogs.

Note: unfortunately, I still didn't port it to gcc/como. I shoul do it by 17th of Sept.

(addition to prev version: fixed so that all examples compile on vc71)

Posted by John Torjo 2004-09-12

v1.4.0 released (true binding of your data to UI)

win32gui - v1.4.0 released
Finally, implemented save_dlg - allowing true binding of your data to UI controls. Also, adding validation rules is really easy.

Check out the samples in the win32gui/examples/smart_dialogs.

Note: unfortunately, I still didn't port it to gcc/como. I shoul do it by 17th of Sept.

Posted by John Torjo 2004-09-11

Win322GUI v1.3 released!

Version 1.3 of Win32 GUI Generics has been released.

-- check out a splitter/simple viewer,
a File Explorer/Viewer all in about 200 lines of code!

- removed build dependency on boost - you can now build the library yourself without
being required to have boost installed.
* menu command manipulation (enable/disable; check/uncheck; radio-like) - totally rocks!
* splitter at dialog design time - totally rocks!
- (note: save_dlg/bolded_save_dlg are posponed for v1.4 which should be released by 18th of Aug)
* dialog on dialog, at dialog design time!
* added menu, image list, rebar, toolbar, status bar, tree view classes
* added minmax_wnd - allows you to easily constrain how a window can be resized (its min/max width/height)
* added tray_wnd (<win32gui/wnd_extend/tray_wnd.hpp>)
- 3 DirectX samples!
- view_frame extends minmax_wnd as well.
- added dialog::resize_parent_to_fit_dlg_size
- moved build_library.exe into the root (simpler to use)
- added 'event_handled_early' helper object, for when you need
to return in the middle of your event handler function.
- added point::convert, rectangle::convert, cursor_pos
- reorganized samples
- re-added view_name_dlg.* files to multiple_frame sample... read more

Posted by John Torjo 2004-08-10

Win32GUI v1.2 released

Version 1.2 of Win32 GUI Generics has been released.
Features very easy building of the library. I've added few new samples.

Check out the LogBreak, which is built using win32gui (

Posted by John Torjo 2004-07-06