
Wikiwig 4.2Xinha Firefox 2 compatibility?

  • xiao_zhai

    xiao_zhai - 2008-02-02

    Hi there, I was just looking for a WYSIWYG wiki when I stumbled upon this.

    As I am not too familiar with the coding etc, I had some slight difficulty in installation.After the installation,however I ran into some trouble running the wiki.

    After I log on, I was brought to the main editting page.Then I clicked on "edit this page!" link, which IMMEDIATELY brought me to this page


    I have tried an hour or so on my Firefox, trying to google to see where I went wrong.I thought it could be the minor installation issue I encountered. It was the same as the one brought up by the gentleman before this post.

    "Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 34"

    at the top of the /wikiwig/_wk/setup/index.php.

    When I click "Save and Verify", these came up

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 34

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 43

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 34

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 43

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 34

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 43

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 34

    Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/lib/Wiki_DB.php on line 43

    Notice: Use of undefined constant WK_Mail - assumed 'WK_Mail' in /home/xiaozhai/public_html/wikiwig/_wk/setup/index.php on line 150

    Going back to the wiki,I thought it could be some cookies handling problem with my Firefox, I ran IE7 and voila, I finally got to see the editing page interface.

    Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11

    I have yet to experiment with it yet as I gotta log off soon after this message. From the first look, it looks great. Kudos to all the guys who brought this project forward!



    • SteveG

      SteveG - 2008-02-16

      So those error messages should all be gone in the new 4.3 release. I am using Firefox 2 (on a mac) so it shold work fine. There is no doubt that the initial 4.2 version with Xinha had some issues (although the errors you report a very long standing ones).

  • chevolet

    chevolet - 2012-08-19

    I use Wikiwig 4.2Xinha Firefox 2 compatibility good. Thanks



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