
#457 Add a creator multi-selector in resource form



Bugs and feature requests : #674
Bugs and feature requests : #682


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2022-04-13

    Just to check precisely what you intend. In the resource form, the different creator types (author, editor, translator etc.) each have a select box populated by all creators regardless of their role. This is because any one person can have multiple roles (e.g., I work as an author, an editor, and a series editor) and so the creator name is dire ctly related to the person not th eperson's role (e.g., there should not be multiple Grimshaw-Aagaards depnding on my role).


    • Stéphane Aulery

      In my jargon a (multi-)selector is a combined widget or control for selecting an entity that must be linked (relation) an other entity. The linked entity is complex and need a search screen or has too much values for an HTML select.
      The widget has:

      • A label to display the title of the selected entity.
      • A hidden input which keep the value of the selected entity.
      • Buttons to select (edit) or deselect (delete) an entity.
      • Selection is happening inside a popup opened by the edit button
      • Optional : add button to select more than one entity value
      • Optional : a select input to qualify the type of relation

      By default, values of this widget are submitted with the form associated.
      Optionaly, the widget is it's own form

      In attachment a sketch of selectors.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2022-04-14

    Interesting. So, in the case of the resource form, it's an enhancement of the widgets (if I can call them that) already there for the creators?


    • Stéphane Aulery

      Yes, all the features are bundled together and played with a snippet of JS.

      Creating an entity happens inside the search dialog.

      The widget is made to be reusable and can be adapted form many entities.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2022-04-14

    Fine. Let's see what you come up with then!



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